
Memory Reboot



"Not A Caveman"


Master Fighter (240)

Master Intellectual (240)

An icon representing the specialty Bard Bard

4 Years
Dire wolf

Pride - PolysexualSamhain 2022HomebodyAll Oozed OutThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3
06-11-2024, 06:30 PM
He was glad to hear that Fiametta was mostly alright so at least his failed search didn't mean anything bad happened. It would be out of his paws anyway. Avacyn would invite him on the patrol which is what he figured when he had asked. He'd gladly walk a step beside her as they moved on to the outskirts of the lands.

As Avacyn had mentioned that Scylla had left and Albion had also returned before going after her he went quiet. Much like his brother did to the news. His usually more welcoming warm expression went stale as they proceeded in steps across the island. He wondered what drove Scylla to leave though he could have assumed it was because both him and Albion were gone. He just took a moment to process that the two he felt as littermates weren't 'home' when he came.

His expression turned back up a little as Avacyn had offered to let him and Albion leave Elysium if that's what they wanted. He was smiling for the gesture, not jumping for the opportunity out. "Thank you for considering Avacyn, I'll try to get you an answer soon." He didn't want to make a quick yes or no but he had strong feelings he would most likely be joining his siblings. Cerberus had an urge to find a new way of life, strive for more than what he had now. He loved his siblings, more than anything. But he felt like he was coming to an age where he needed to start having goals for himself. It wasn't a one way plan, but he had to ask himself what he wanted rather than where he felt he was needed. It would be a hard balance.

A cheek turned toward her as his brow raised while they walked, "I appreciate the update, but I wasn't really asking about them. I was thinking about you." Clearly she wasn't expecting that. Easy enough a man would like to know where his family was. But he thought of Avacyn as a good friend, at least one wolf he could truly relate to in her position. And with the coming change of the tides, he could hope she'd find time to take a step back and keep herself afloat.

"Cerberus Kline"