
Foot of The Cross


09-30-2013, 11:44 AM

An arrogant smile graced her refined features, her eyes drinking in the small satisfactory that the male emanated from his pores. She was a lady: poise, charming, feminine in all of her ways, but she embraced all the devious and nasty ways of the world, she was far too intelligent to look the other way. She was damned, corrupted by her everlasting beauty and the ways she could obtain whatever she desired. She was the kind of girl who would fix her makeup immediately after killing a man.

She fluttered her brown lashes at the behemoth before her, standing still, statuesque like a monument for a God. He was undeniably perfect, almost as immaculate as she - almost. From his inky lips to the molten browns and ashes that suited his body, she fervently pawned him. But she kept her writhing desires muted, coveting her lust until the next time they would cross paths. "I may not be tame, Mister L?cuyer, but you can dine on me anytime." His name effortless spilled from her lips like melting chocolate.

Karmen cocked her head, delirious that she had acquired the baron's namesake, so in return she offered her own. "Karmen Roe. You're welcome to come find me whenever your mood fancies." She turned her body away from him, sauntering into the darkness where shadowy arms embraced her, her hips following her in a beguiling sway.

It was fate that they would meet again.

-exit Karmen

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