
I just want to talk to him...



The Hallows

Expert Fighter (160)

Advanced Navigator (60)

4 Years
Dire wolf

By the skin of my teethPride - Bisexual
06-12-2024, 04:02 PM

Luckily it seemed like Art's task of pruning the wisteria trees wasn't too intensive or at the very least wasn't something that the Lord of Cinder seemed to mind being distracted from. He certainly hadn't expected Artorias to be the kind of guy that wanted to do his own garden work, but the castle did have a sprawling garden and he supposed that it wouldn't be this lush or nice without many wolves working on it. At the very least it seemed like he had caught Art in a good mood so hopefully that would go in his favor. At the invitation to sit and talk while he worked, Sitri moved around to be better in Art's line of sight, sitting next to the wisteria tree while staying out of the way of his pruning.

A little, slightly shy smirk tugged at his expression when Art asked what was on his mind. There was only one real answer to that question since there had only been one thing on his mind for a while now. He had debated how he wanted to bring this up before he approached Artorias, but in the end he had decided the most direct option was probably the best way. "Well... I was hoping I could get your blessing to pursue a relationship with Dusk." He kept an eye on Artorias, curious and of course a bit nervous to see what his reaction would be to him trying to date his daughter. He felt like it had been fairly obvious that he had stayed in The Hallows because of Dusk after all the time he had spent with her during her recovery so hopefully it wasn't too much of a surprise, but he knew fathers could be protective of their daughters regardless. "I care about her a lot and I would really like to work toward a real relationship with her, but I know how important you and your family is to her so I wanted to make sure this was something that was okay with you first."

"Sitri Klein-Destruction"

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1. I just want to talk to him... Amron's Castle 02:18 AM, 06-09-2024 04:54 PM, 07-18-2024