
Rather be six feet under than be lonely




Master Fighter (260)

Advanced Hunter (90)

An icon representing the specialty Defender Defender

8 Years
Dire wolf

Critical Observation!Samhain 2022Statue 4 Worship
06-12-2024, 04:29 PM
As if the thoughts of his mate could summon her, only a few moments after he had gotten settled and comfortable in their den he glanced up to see Ikigai coming inside and moving toward him. A lopsided grin tugged at his lips as he watched her with appreciation, a low, approving rumble sounding in his chest as she kissed his chin. For a moment he was distracted from the whole reason he had been waiting on her in the first place as she leaned into him and he brought up a foreleg to wrap around her waist and pull her smaller frame down into his own. He hadn't thought that he could possibly be more attracted to Ikigai than he already was, but every day she found a way to outdo herself just by existing. "Not terribly long, no," he assured her as he pulled her back into his chest and he nuzzled affectionately into her scruff with a little teasing nip at the side of her neck. It wasn't all that often that he got any time alone with her these days because of the pups so it was highly tempting to forego these more important conversations for now, but he made himself focus. At least for now.

Chuckling softly, he leaned away from her neck and pressed a tender kiss to her cheek. "I do have something I need to speak with you about." He easily rolled her over to face him, slipping his large paws around her lower back to pull her into him belly to belly instead as they nestled into the plush cushions together, his aqua gaze finding the uniquely striking silver of hers. "I spoke with Avacyn today. She wishes to take the pack in a new direction. She wants to separate the leadership of the pack and the Matriarchal duties specific to the family. And she has asked me to be its first King." His large claws traced lightly along her back in thoughtful circles, thinking through his own conflicted thoughts as he spoke them aloud to Ikigai.

"I think this could be a good change for Elysium and this would be the first time any Mendacium man would have this kind of power, but at the same time it will mean I won't be able to spend all of my time with you and the pups any more. Our family is more important to me than a title, but if one of our pups is destined to take over Elysium regardless would it not be better for them to grow into it with me?" He sighed at the rambling trail of thoughts and frowned at the conflict he had with himself. This was exactly why he relied so much on Ikigai for her opinions and her insights. She could see the bigger picture that he usually missed and point him in the right direction.

"Deimos & Ikigai"