
Too young to feel this old



The Hallows
Chief Physician

Master Healer (266)

Master Intellectual (260)

An icon representing the specialty Field Medic Field Medic

6 Years

Samhain 2022The Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 1Double MasterPride - Demisexual
06-12-2024, 09:33 PM
Ever since Syanna returned to The Hallows and Solaire had begun to become more independent as a healer she found herself with more and more free time. For the longest time she was The Hallows primary and at times only healer, but she finally had some help and now she wasn't really sure what to do with herself. There was nothing wrong, necessarily, with still being in the infirmary while the others were working, but she didn't want Solaire to feel as though she was constantly watching him. Besides, if Syanna was also there she was just as capable at teaching her nephew as she was. Branching out of the infirmary and the castle in general was something she had never truly been comfortable with, but she wanted to be.

"Thank you for coming with me," she said to Mercury as she walked beside the Commander, looking up to him with a warm smile. Eilwen flew above them with a basket in her talons so that Gwyn wouldn't have to carry it, though Gwyn was sure it would be too heavy for the raven to cary once it was full of berries. She had used a berry gathering trip as an excuse to get herself out of the castle, but in a way it was also an excuse to get some time with Mercury. He was a busy man and ever duty bound to his responsibilities just like she was so she didn't mind incorporating smaller side tasks into their day in order to pull him away from patrols and training and the like. She had grown quite fond of Mercury ever since the day she had found him bleeding in the infirmary that had ended with a run in with a boar. It had been an interesting, mildly traumatizing, and enlightening day all around.

After they were in the cover of the Grove she went looking for berry filled bushes and Eilwen placed the basket down beside her before the white raven went back to perch somewhere among the branches. Given that they were still in the height of Auster's summer the berries were more than plentiful so they had a full array to pick from–literally and figuratively. "What do you like more? Blueberries, raspberries, or strawberries?" she asked curiously, glancing back over her shoulder at Mercury.

"Gwynevere & Mercury"