
Abraxas/Destruction babies (sorta) - 2 litters!



Advanced Fighter (75)

Intermediate Intellectual (50)

8 Years

Samhain 2022Statue 1 WorshipPride - AsexualUnderachieverThe Ooze ParticipantVolcano
Christmas 2019
06-28-2024, 01:43 PM (This post was last modified: 06-28-2024, 02:02 PM by Nyx. Edited 11 times in total.)
By some strange act of divine intervention, after a hazy drug-fueled night together, Theory Destruction and Thalia Abraxas are BOTH having children with some random NPC... who look strangely like one another. Wait, what?! These kids, of course, are not actually biologically related but will be raised as if they are. None of them will be told who actually birthed them, only that both women are their mothers, though you'll have to pick a mom for site purposes.

We will be adopting out 3 to 5 puppies depending on interest. I have 2 extra pup slots I may be willing to use, depending.

We're adopting out for two litters (via mystery litter pass):
Thalia: 3 pup litter
Theory: 4 pup litter [2 are spoken for]
(with the possibility of 2 extra slots being added somewhere)

We'll also be using a cursed litter pass on Theory's litter, so some will end up either with mutations or disfigurements.


Long story short, Theory Destruction and Thalia Abraxas are a pair of star-crossed lovers that never quite came together permanently before now. They kept running into each other since they were children, and they both grew to know they loved one another, though they lived very different lives - Theory in Abaven with her family, eventually coming to rule the pack, and Thalia always sticking close to her Abraxas kin.

Their relationship was a strange one; when they were together their love was strong and obvious, even if it took them a long time to find the words for it, but they lived such different lives they could never really commit to one another long-term; Theory due to her loyalty to her family, Thalia due to her loyalty to her God above all else. In the end, Theory had become riddled with the Long Night sickness, and she cast Thalia away, calling her a coward and commanding her to forget her.

And Thalia did just that... until now!

They've reunited, and both feel as though this is where they belong, with one another & their children. They will be seeking permission to live and raise their children in Avalon for their safety, though they will not be kept there if they choose to leave (when they're old enough).

Abraxas Information
Basic Abraxas dogma: In the beginning, there was a pantheon of gods, but one ruled the rest due to his cunning and sheer power- his name was Abraxas. Jealous of his power, they eventually sought to overthrow him, and succeeded - casting him down to the mortal realm and stripping him of his power. A seed of rage grew in his heart, rippling out into the universe - thus creating all suffering that now exists in the world (sickness, injury, even death itself). Abraxas himself went on to sire children, who sired even more children, each being taught that upon their death they would ascend to the heavenly realm and reclaim what is rightfully theirs.

TLDR; The Abraxas family believe they are demigods. Their upbringing is marked by an unhealthy lust for power and greatness, and rage for what they feel has been taken from them.

Destruction Information
The Destructions are an established and widespread family on Ardent with a wide cast of characters. Their closest relatives (and remaining vestiges of Abaven) also live in Avalon, Corvus and Twig, with their children. They would likely be raised with stories of Abaven and their other relatives - Shaye, Rhyme, Poem, Motif, and more.

Adoption Guidelines

Names: Thalia would tend toward the Abraxas naming conventions (heavy on demonic/fallen angel names), while Theory might tend toward themed names, for example bird names (Jay, Corvus, Finch) or literature/musical themed names (Song, Lyric, Theory, Rhyme, Poem). Open to other names as well! They'll be raised with the surname Abraxas-Destruction.
★ Name ideas: Abaddon, Belial, Cain, Lilith, Orias; Sonnet, Cadence, Harmony, Melody, Mythos

Alignment: Thalia is lawful evil, Theory is lawful good; neither tend toward being chaotic though both have very different upbringings which could manifest in a wide array of character traits as they grow up.

Mom preference: If you have a specific mother preference please specify. They won't be told who birthed them regardless, but Theory can give a 25% discount for height up to 41", and may throw mutations OR disfigurement when pups are rolled.

Appearance: Tons of designs below, but feel free to supply your own. We're both huge fans of designs that incorporate some aspects of both mothers, to keep with their belief that these children were an act of divine intervention.

Size/Build: Theory's pups can get a 25% discount on height up to 41".

Mutations: Thalia has no mutations, Theory has a perception one; though due to the "divine" nature of these children I can envision mutations being added if people want them!

Purchases: Xarae and I are happy to take care of the pup passes. Let me know as well if you're a new member and there's anything you can't afford!

Activity Requirements: Neither Xarae nor I are huge fans of activity checks. These pups can be reclaimed if you fail to adhere to the usual adoption rules (2 months of inactivity).


Mother Thalia- Though not as domineering as those that came before her, Thalia will not be a generally warm mother. Though fiercely protective, even a bit overbearing at times, she will not be a source of warmth for these children. She will be the unyielding protector, and the punisher; she will not be afraid of being seen as "the mean parent". Her love for her children will be strong, but unlike some parents will never be unconditional. Thalia will hold her children to the highest of standards, always wanting to see them be the best, strongest, most powerful and capable versions of themselves - because she knows they are capable of that, and even more.
★ Things she'd disown for: Incest, reckless violence (violence in the name of Abraxas is a different story entirely! Highly supported when they get old enough!!!), recklessly siring/fathering children in any manner, betrayal of family without good reason, giving the Abraxas a bad name.
★ Main things she'd try to impart on her children: The superiority of their bloodline; that they are vastly superior to ALL non-Abraxas wolves; the importance of being independent and self-reliant above all else.

Mommy Theory- Theory will also emphasize strength of body and mind, if only to try and protect her children from suffering a similar fate as she did during the Long Night. She is not devout as Thalia is, but will maintain her own spirituality and relationship with Abraxas. Theory envisions Abraxas as softer, a rage born from the sadness of having lost everything - more of a cautionary tale, really, although she will not refute whatever lessons Thalia teaches on religion. Above all else, the children will be deeply, deeply loved. She will be painfully aware of her own mortality in relation to raising these children and strive to make sure they are self-sufficient and independent before she passes.
★ Things she'd disown for: Honestly, not a whole lot - she is soft for her children, likely to a fault. She will not condone things like needless violence, incest, or turning your back on family - but really, doesn’t it hurt more when mom is just disappointed in you but loves you anyway?
★ Main things she'd try to impart on her children: LOVE!!! She loves you SO MUCH!!!! But also, strength of mind and body, independence, love and respect for family, and that there can be strength in tenderness.

Future Plans

Between Thalia’s teachings about Abraxas and Theory’s softer, more nurturing side (in addition to simply being raised by two present mothers), some of these children will develop a different perspective on carrying on the Abraxas torch.

Early on during their lessons, they will realize that all of the leaders of the religion who came before them have been male… and in some way or another, all have faltered. It seems the logical conclusion would be to try having a female lead, right? It will start small and silly (boys drool, girls rule!!!) as they are young but become a more tangible idea as they grow older.

Through in-character development, they will reconcile that the path forward must be by honoring the divine femininity offered to all Abraxas females (this will extend to all who identify as female as well - this plot is in its early stages but we will definitely come up with a more defined system to encompass other identities). Those who are able to carry life and nurture life will be held above all else. Subjugating loyalty to their God has not worked - they must strike out with fierce tenderness and usher in the next era by raising it themselves. They also recognize that the divine feminine cannot exist without the divine masculine, and will continue to refine this viewpoint as they grow.

Longterm, this will grow into a band (at around age ~1) and then, even longer term, a pack (around age ~2). Ranks will include an honored warrior-type group (of any sex) bound to protect the more vulnerable women and children, priestesses, a possible slave rank of only males, and more. The pack will likely be a true neutral sort of pack that will accept orphans, pregnant mothers needing a safe space to raise children, and those who swear fealty to Abraxas.

It’s an ongoing collaboration and we hope you’ll participate, but it is not required!

The Designs

Click to view designs!
(Thanks to Resin, Skelle, Fox, and Crownteeth! ❤️)

[b]Name:[/b] (multiple preferred if a name is taken & you're unsure if someone is willing to give it up)
[b]Mom:[/b] Feel free to say if you have no preference and we can pick for you!
[b]Appearance:[/b] Please include a description as well as a reference, if you have one.
[b]Personality[/b]: At least 150 words.
[b]RP Sample:[/b] Only needed if you're new to Ardent, otherwise delete.

Applications are due July 22!