
Learning From The Greatest!


12-11-2013, 08:47 AM

She was freezing, yet another day of waiting for Rin to get here so she could start todays lesson. Finally the crunching of tiny paws alerted her to the fact that he was here now. The white female would turn her full attention toward her pupil, eyes narrowed down as she slunk forward towards him. Her nose would hover just over his back as she sniffed him, he seemed alright, for today at least. If he was caught though on his escapades outside of his pack land until she could figure out a way to permanently keep him, there would be no end to the torture he would endure.

"Good you're finally here, I thought I was waiting for the end of the world." Her words would snap harshly but she would also flash out her tongue to try to lick his ears. She would have to take him to see the feline today. "First you learn, then we go visit a friend." She said before turning around and storming into the make shift den.

She went eagerly to work, paws tipping over potions as she nosed through. "Today you learn about death in its entirety. It is very permeant, and we can even reproduce the signs of death with different plants. Reproducing I mean trick an opponent into thinking we are dead. This will slow down the heart beat so where its not detectable as well as blood flow. We even use a paralyzing agent to reproduce rigamortis." Chill explained as she grabbed a tiny slug out of her cubby. "Name of this animal and function in poisons. Quick." She set about drilling Rin's memory so he could recall these things in the future.
