
Sinister Collaboration



The Syndicate

Expert Hunter (180)

Advanced Healer (100)

3 Years
Extra large
06-13-2024, 02:38 PM
Now fully moved in to his new den and workspace, Azrael was once more operating at full capacity. Or, well, close to full capacity. He still had a ways to go gathering up all the ingredients he needed to mix his serums and poisons, but those would come in time. The Syndicate had done an excellent job procuring a stockpile of the basic fundamental herbs already, so he'd helped himself to a few choice plants to get his bases made and more simple concoctions brewing in his alchemical set.

But the crux of his work was still in development. Sitting in his quiet workspace that branched off from his own personal den, Azrael was busying himself crafting his preferred method of drug implementations—his stonefish spine injectors. Thanks to Mireia's assistance, the Saxe brute had managed to collect a small bag almost full to the brim with the sharp yet hollow spines. He had more than enough to keep himself in work and serving his Sultan for a long, long time. Which worked out great, since he had no intentions of making the return trip all the way back to Saffron any time soon—not when there was work here to be done.

The methodology of crafting the wicked devices was simplicity mixed with ingenuity. Az had already sterilized the spines by soaking them in an alcohol solution he'd derived from leftover bottles of vodka found in the old ruins scattering the world. After they were dried and stored away, he would shake out a couple of spines across the surface of his stone work table, making sure to not prick himself in the handling of them. Then he would seamlessly impale the spine through the thin cork top of the small glass vials that would contain his serums before sealing them back up and putting them with the small collection of finished injectors off to the side. It was slightly tedious work, but Azrael quite enjoyed it. He liked fantasizing of all the different ways he would get to use his tools in the near future. Oh, what fun he was going to have here!

"Azrael Saxe"

Warning: Azrael is a highly mature character for violent and sexual content. Read his threads with caution.