
The time has come!(Xenios)



03-11-2013, 12:00 PM
Excitement filled my growing body as I rushed over the terrain of Tortuga. Thankfully I was in the valley right now so running was easy. Once I reached the sides of the mountain though I slowed. It was a treacherous journey. Kaien had chosen a great place for our home. It meant it was less likely for other wolves to come invade us. It also made pack life harder for the rest of us. It meant we had to be strong and powerful as well as careful to live in this valley. We were right by a volcano too. Not too far from one at least. I shuddered at the thought, but pushed it away and kept going.

It kind of sucked being the only pup in Tortuga. I would have had siblings, but no one told me what happened to them. There were no other pups in the pack and I was somewhat lonely having only myself to play with. I hadn't seen my mother in forever. I strove for her approval, but I couldn't help but feel she didn't like me. It was a reason to work harder. My father had been my sole provider as of late. Then again I was now a yearling. That thought made my chest puff out with pride. I could technically take care of myself. That and my father would start my training today! I was gonna grow to be a powerful adult.

My paws seemed to do all the walking for me. It was better to let my instincts do all the work when picking my way up on the mountain. I was less likely to slip and fall that way. By the time I reached the top He was cursing me telling me I went too slow and that my father would be disappointed in how I was turning out. I let out a growl yet it still sounded feminine and puppy-like near the end. I sometimes didn't appreciate His input.

He went silent as I reached my father on the ledge. I looked at him golden eyes staring at his powerful form. My tail wagged softly. I admired him. He was everything I wanted to be.

"Good morning Daddy!" I said with enthusiasm. "What will we be doing today?"

I couldn't be more excited. I was finally getting to learn to be a warrior. perhaps I could take over my father's position?! That would prove to be fun. I sat down and continued to look at him eagerly waiting to begin.