
A Ballad of Sacrifice



Master Intellectual (246)

Master Healer (245)

An icon representing the specialty Professor Professor

An icon representing the specialty Cosmetologist Cosmetologist

2 Years
06-14-2024, 01:35 AM (This post was last modified: 06-14-2024, 01:40 AM by Aurelia. Edited 1 time in total.)
“Cae-des,” She managed to croak out, her voice barely more than a ragged whisper, "I don't... I can't..." I can’t do this. Her words trailed off in an empty sob as another contraction seized her. The icy touch of despair gripped her heart tighter with each passing moment, adding weight to the chains of exhaustion already threatening to drag her under.

Aurelia could only vaguely register Caedes' movements, the pressure of his hands on her distended belly. Her breath hitched in her throat as another wave of agony washed over her, turning her world to white-hot pain. Her ears flattened against her skull, a low growl rumbling in her throat as she clung onto consciousness by a thread. It was as if all the sensations of the world had been amplified a hundredfold. Every touch was a brand, every sound a harsh cacophony. And amidst it all, she felt a profound isolation, a despair that clawed at the pit of her stomach. The world blurred at the edges of her vision, fading into a distant hum. Every nerve in her body screamed in protest as he continued his assessment. She was acutely aware of every movement Caedes made, every shift and press against her swollen abdomen triggering a fresh wave of torment.

Yet, through it all, there was a sliver of hope, a tiny flame flickering amidst the tumult of her pain. The sensation of warmth trickling through her body at his touch, his scent wrapping around her like an invisible veil. It was a small comfort in an otherwise harsh reality, and she clung to it with every shred of her being. "Cae... des," she gasped out, her voice strained with the relentless edge of pain. "The... pups..." she managed to whisper, desperation lacing her every word. The need to protect her unborn children surged through her, overpowering the torment that threatened to consume her. “Save … them. Not me. Them.

Trust. The word echoed in her ears, it would have normally stirred a bitter laugh but she didn’t have it in her. Trust was a luxury she had never been afforded, a fleeting phantom she had chased after in vain. But now, amidst the unrelenting waves of agony, trust was all she had left. And if she trusted anyone in the world, it was this man. With every push and prod from Caedes, the pain escalated anew, each wave more potent than the last. Yet Aurelia clung to his words with a desperate ferocity. She took a ragged breath, forcing herself to focus on his voice, his reassurances - they were all that anchored her to reality. To survival. Just a little longer.

"Aurelia Veratti"