
A Ballad of Sacrifice



Master Intellectual (246)

Master Healer (245)

An icon representing the specialty Professor Professor

An icon representing the specialty Cosmetologist Cosmetologist

2 Years
06-14-2024, 01:43 AM
Aurelia's world was one constant torrent of agony, a whirlwind of pain that erased everything else. She hovered on the edge, teetering towards the abyss with each passing moment. It was all a blur, a jumble of sensations and disjointed thoughts rushing through her mind. But somehow, through it all, she managed to latch onto Caedes' departing words. Hold on. A command, a plea, a lifeline thrown in her direction. She had no choice but to obey. His absence left her feeling more vulnerable than ever before in her life. She could let go … Her claws dug into the cold earth beneath her, anchoring herself amidst the raging storm. As she waited for Caedes, she focused on each beat of her heart, each ragged breath she managed to draw. The air of the valley seemed colder now as it brushed against her fur, laden with the scent of impending snowfall.

Aurelia's eyes squeezed shut tightly at the new sensation, a prickle of discomfort that was nothing compared to the crushing waves of labor. In her haze of pain, she barely registered Caedes' return or his words, but the promise of relief won a strangled whimper from her throat. As the anesthetic began to take effect, Aurelia could feel the edge of her pain begin to soften, the sharpness blunting into something more manageable. The relief was like a lifeline thrown out into stormy seas, and she clung to it with all her strength. Her own breathing sounded loud in her ears as she tried to steady it – in through her nose, out through her mouth. It wore away to the overwhelming exhaustion that threatened to pull her under. The edges of her world blurred and dimmed, but Aurelia fought it, gritting her teeth against the tide. She could be strong. If only once. Just this once.

Aurelia warily opened her eyes, locking onto the image of Caedes. His unfamiliar tenderness in his voice sent a shiver down her spine, but there was comfort in his promise of easing her pain. His presence was like an anchor, something solid for her to lean on while her world tore itself apart. "Thank … you …" she choked out, her voice made hoarse by waves of pain and fear.

The anesthetic was starting to work its magic, the edges of Aurelia's world becoming a bit less sharp, the pain a bit less immediate and demanding. She dug deep within herself for the strength and resolve to ride out the fight of her life. Her breaths came in short huffs, each one labored and ragged, echoing the turmoil that raged within her. With the pain dwindling into distant throbs, Aurelia could focus on Caedes' instructions. Her body moved according to the messages her brain managed to send, despite the howling emptiness that yawned within her. She was dimly aware of the sensation of something moving within her, but it felt as though it were happening to someone else, in another lifetime.

Time seemed to stretch and warp around her, minutes feeling like hours and seconds like lifetimes. "Caedes," she murmured, her voice shaky and weak. So much she wanted to say. But it was his name hung in the freezing air between them, a fragile thread connecting them amidst the enormity of their situation. Thank you. As time slowly ticked on, Aurelia could feel herself growing weaker, the energy drained from her body by the painful spasms and intense effort. Her sight began to blur around the edges, black spots dancing in her periphery. For a moment she couldn't breathe, the weight on her lungs almost unbearable until it passed with a sharp gasp of air. Fighting the creeping tendrils of unconsciousness, she looked up at Caedes, mouth parched and lips cracked, desperation seeping through her eyes.

And then came the shift. With her next contraction she could feel the pups moving, their tiny bodies pressing internally as they sought the egress that nature had intended for them. The next push was difficult, but it brought them nearer to the exit. By the time the last wave of contractions hit, Aurelia felt like she was on fire, her body straining to push the pups into a world that as of now was unknown to them. After what felt like an eternity, she heard the first faint whimper of a newborn pup. It was a delicate sound, fragile and full of life; a sign that all her struggle had not been in vain. Its cries were tiny, almost lost in the wintry atmosphere, but to Aurelia, it was the most beautiful thing she had ever heard- and she too weak to even sit up to greet it.

"Aurelia Veratti"