
Time is a Heck of a Thing



Advanced Fighter (90)

Advanced Intellectual (85)

4 Years
Dire wolf

Pride - Bisexual
06-14-2024, 11:31 AM (This post was last modified: 06-14-2024, 11:40 AM by Revenant. Edited 1 time in total.)

Having just returned back to these lands after another short stint away on his own, Revenant had been headed northward to try and relocate his family. Word had reached him of Chimera’s imminent demise and he decided to come see what would happen in the aftermath if their father did finally succumb to his illness and kick the bucket. Ordinarily, a call like the one that went out around the arid ridgelands would have been ignored by the brute, but since the territory was on his way towards the Bifröst and because he was a curious bastard, the fallen Klein prince decided what the hell, it might be worth checking out if for no other reason than a bit of entertainment.

Oh boy, had he been right!

Not only was the young fae teaching the lesson quite a looker, but it seemed that she’d drawn quite a crowd to herself—namely one very familiar monochromatic brute. Blended violet and teal eyes roved over the crowd, but lingered on his brother lying down underneath a massive exposed skull. Brows raised in surprise to see him taking part of something like this, but when he saw his brother’s eyes glued to the golden fae, he understood what Quill was up to.

A sly smirk spread across his muzzle, the dire brute pacing around the edge of the group in Quill’s direction, paying attention to the girl while he moved. She asked if anyone had ever wondered how places like this came to be. Nobody else answered her, so Revenant decided to be the outlier, if for no other reason than to make sure at least one soul here recognized her. "Perhaps it’s just by chance, or by providence. Sometimes things just happen for no reason, or reasons we can’t anticipate," Revenant voiced out, knowing his voice would be detected immediately by Quill. Finishing his approach, Rev greeted his brother with a debonair smile and sat down near him in the shade. The Kleins did prefer the dark, after all. "Good to see you again, brother," he spoke in low tones so they wouldn’t interrupt Talyssa’s lesson. He gestured to their teacher with a knowing look. "Your latest conquest…?"


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1. Time is a Heck of a Thing Fossil Ridge 11:56 AM, 06-07-2024 01:24 AM, 06-27-2024