
Two Birds = Two Stones


The Syndicate

Master Hunter (240)

Master Intellectual (240)

An icon representing the specialty Bloodletter Bloodletter

2 Years
06-14-2024, 01:08 PM
Rakia's paws gingerly navigated the frost-rimed pebbles as she descended the slope. The valley stretched out before her like a brilliant painting, its wintery palette dominated by pure white snow and occasional protrusions of marble monuments - remnants of an ancient riverbed. Her keen eyes scanned the cerulean sky for any signs of life. The low-hanging sun blinded her, casting long shadows over the stark landscape and adding depth and contrast to the winter wonderland below. She prowled with almost feline grace, each step precise and calculated, her unwavering gaze fixed on the vast expanse above. The frigid air filled her lungs, sharp yet invigorating, carrying distant whispers of approaching flurries.

A sudden flutter of wings stole her attention. A flock of birds, their ebony bodies stark against the vast blue expanse, swirled in the sky above Rakia's head. The sound of their flapping wings was like a symphony of rustling leaves, soft and rhythmic. She couldn't tear her eyes away from the stunning display before her. Their flight was like swirling ink on a painter's palette - chaotic yet beautiful, with each bird contributing to the fluid patterns formed in the air. Rakia's heart thrummed in anticipation, her body instinctively crouching lower as she observed from her vantage point. Her jaw clenched, and small white puffs of breath escaped her lips as she waited for the perfect moment. The flock swooped low, then soared higher, their movements synchronized and mesmerizing to watch.

One bird in particular caught her eye. Its feathers shone brightly in the winter sunlight, displaying an array of colors: iridescent blues and purples atop a dark, ebony base - a true marvel amidst the ordinary. She wanted it’s feathers, to do what with, she wasn’t entirely sure. But she wanted it all the same. As to how she was going to get it …. she wasn’t entirely sure yet.

310 / 1500 words
"Rakia Perreau"

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1. Two Birds = Two Stones The Marble Wash 01:08 PM, 06-14-2024 10:49 AM, 06-20-2024