
Two Birds = Two Stones



Beginner Healer (0)

Master Hunter (240)

3 Years
06-14-2024, 01:27 PM

They’d chosen to stay close to the Syndicate homelands. Traveling only so far a distance incase Absinth had come to change her mind about who they were. In all honesty, a piece of Melanth felt lost in the matter. Having no idea how to convince their sister that she was who she claimed to be. It didn’t help the overly large male who lingered there kept watching her like a hawk. Those piercing green jewels observed every motion she made. As if she were his prey and he the ultimate predator.

Paws somehow found their way back to the familiarity of sharp rocks and hovering trees. This place still holding the memory of spilt blood from previous hunts. Those made by, not only herself; but, the other three wolves she accompanied. As her lungs filled with quick, deep frosty breaths. There was a hint of something else that carried on the breeze. Which lead to careful placements on the path leading down to what was once an old dried river. Its winding path still engraved in the earth to never be forgotten.

Not so far ahead did she spot the multi-colored woman; Rakia. One who’d led their gathered party to various victories. Curiosity fueled her to approach with rushed steps. A calling of that crow from days before still accompanying her. Glossy feathered wings soaring the skies with the occasional flap. Why he was still lingering around, she didn’t have a clue in the world. Only that she appreciated having another besides Helonia to talk to.



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1. Two Birds = Two Stones The Marble Wash 01:08 PM, 06-14-2024 10:49 AM, 06-20-2024