
Two Birds = Two Stones



Beginner Healer (0)

Master Hunter (240)

3 Years
06-14-2024, 02:17 PM

The sudden shift in the atmosphere caused her pause from further approach. A single paw made to stop Melanth from any more movement. Confusion clear as day on a masked face. Until she saw the change of demeanor in Rakia. Not paying attention to the crow having landed just short of where she stood. Luminescent feathers casting a beautiful display over one another. Attention sought elsewhere in pure oblivion.

Sun’s gaze rested on the scene below. No sign of clouds to shield them from its warm glow. Though it did nothing to hinder the crisp season of winter. Or melt the tundra of white dust littering the grounds beneath. It was only then did she understand what they were hunting. Birds. A flock of them just off to where Rakia once was. Her own focus now on the cluster of prey, she nearly mirrored the posture of the woman.

Long legs bent her body to press close to the earth. Paws now pressing ever so gently with the added weight. Her tail swept up the slightest of dust as she crept forward. The two now on opposite ends heading in totally different directions. Breath hitched the moment one of the birds glanced over where she was. Mel froze for a mere second. Eyes wandering just an inch away to act as if she were not in the act of hunting them.

Time passed and in minutes she returned to her mission. Belly brushed the surface with every step. Distance becoming more and more a memory as she came to shuffle from paw to paw. Birds were not her forte to catch; but, why not have a bit of fun. Perhaps she could discover a thing or two.


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1. Two Birds = Two Stones The Marble Wash 01:08 PM, 06-14-2024 10:49 AM, 06-20-2024