
Say so long



Master Fighter (270)

Intermediate Hunter (30)

An icon representing the specialty Bulwark Bulwark

5 Years
Extra large

OverachieverSamhain 2022The Ooze ParticipantDream WeaverSnake Eyes
06-17-2024, 01:28 PM

Bronze knew this would be a chance for the younger wolves, too, to prove themselves to Basilisk. Not that he knew if they needed that chance, but it couldn't hurt either. Sirius had given him a chance here in the Armada and room to prove himself and he was appreciative of that opportunity, even if he hadn't really taken it as far as he should have. At least he was now.

Seneca's excitement was obvious as he hurried to answer his call, and Bronze acknowledged the yearling with a nod. "Seneca," he greeted him in return, perfectly fine without the small talk. He wasn't exactly the most social of wolves, at least compared to most. Basilisk wasn't far behind him, and he received a nod in turn as he asked what his orders were.

Wynter was just arriving as well, so Bronze waited a beat before he began dishing out orders. "Well," Bronze started, feeling a bit awkward with all their eyes on him. "Uh. Thank you all for coming. Basilisk, Wynter," he acknowledged the arrival of the last two with another quick dip of his head. "I'm sure you've all noticed the scent of a polar bear not far off from our borders. I think she might be looking for somewhere to den and these woods seem appealing to her. So I figured it's time we take care of it."

There weren't wolves in the Armada that couldn't defend themselves right now so it wasn't a true emergency, but there was no telling when another litter might be due - it was better to take care of the threat now, before it proved to be an even bigger one. "She seems healthy, so I think she might put up a good fight. We can assess the situation when we track her down. She was at the eastern edge of the forest this morning. We'll head that way now."

Being in charge, really leading, felt strange to him. Not in a bad way, but having others look to him for command wasn't something he was at all accustomed to.

He was quiet and focused as he led them away from where they'd met, moving toward the edge of the territory. Once her scent grew stronger, he slowed, seeking her out up ahead from among the cluster of ancient trees. They couldn't quite see her, but she wasn't far off at all. "Seneca and Wynter, I'd like you two to make a wide circle around her. Make sure she's positioned between you two, and Basilisk and I. Try to charge her and get her heading this way. Basilisk and I will wait, ready to move in or cut her off if we need to." It was hard to say what state of mind the predator was in. Would she try to turn and face the yearlings, or try to flee? They had to be prepared for any possibilities. He gave them a nod then, signalling for them to take their positions and initiate.

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1. Say so long Mile-High Woods 10:57 AM, 05-21-2024 01:31 PM, 09-20-2024