
Deadliest Catch, Season 20


The Syndicate

Master Hunter (240)

Master Intellectual (240)

An icon representing the specialty Bloodletter Bloodletter

2 Years
06-15-2024, 12:22 PM
Rakia watched through narrowed eyes, her attention split between the hulking walruses basking on the icy shoreline and her newfound companions. The sound of Wilder's approach had been nearly imperceptible but her ears, finely tuned to the pitch of silence this cold landscape offered, had caught it. She remained still as the mountain, her muscles taut, every fiber of her being radiating a quiet, predator's energy. Her breath ghosted into the frigid air, dissolving almost as soon as it appeared, so fine was the line between seen and unseen in this place.

"Hmm," she hummed noncommittally at Aris' remark, her gaze never leaving the walruses. She had learned from past encounters that these creatures, despite their lazy demeanors, were not to be underestimated. The wounded could be especially dangerous. ā€œIā€™m more of a fuck around and find out, type of girl.ā€ She said lightly, her voice blending with the frozen wind, adding a note of amusement to the harshness of the environment. The glint in her winter-grey eyes suggested that this was indeed the truth.

She observed as the biggest among the lounging beasts lazily rolled onto its side, its tusks glinting ominously under the mid day sun. Its blubberous body was a massive reserve of energy against the biting cold and its tusks were not just ostentatious accessories, but deadly weapons. Rakia's gaze held steady on those glinting ivory sentinels, making calculations of her own. A frontal assault could be disastrous, but a well-timed strike from the rear, landing a hit on the nape just between the layers of fat and muscle... Rakia's mind was filled with countless scenarios, each one of them ending with the taste of fresh, warm blood staining her tongue.

Rakia flexed her limbs subtly, testing her movements against the slickness of the ice beneath her paws. The chill seeped through her fur, a tangible reminder of the unforgiving territory she was in. Yet there was a fierce satisfaction that pulsed in her veins, one that welcomed the challenge.

The pushed forward, as slowly, as stealthily as they could, and at the last possible moment, she launched herself forward. The world seemed to slow around Rakia as she closed the distance between herself and the walrus. Every detail of her surroundings stood out starkly ā€“ from the frost clinging to the submerged trees, sparkling like a thousand tiny diamonds, to the crunching sound of the snow under her paws, so amplified it was like thunder in her ears. The walrus, perhaps aware of its impending doom, stirred slightly. Its two small eyes opened, glistening with a hint of uncertainty. Yet it remained motionless, anchored by its own vastness, and perhaps underestimating the impending threat. Her heart pounded rhythmically in her chest, each beat a drumroll in anticipation of the hunt's climax.

"Rakia Perreau"

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1. Deadliest Catch, Season 20 Submerged Woods 02:15 PM, 06-14-2024 06:50 AM, 06-24-2024