
Ghostly Arrival


The Syndicate

Expert Hunter (180)

Advanced Healer (100)

3 Years
Extra large
06-18-2024, 02:41 PM (This post was last modified: 06-18-2024, 02:43 PM by Azrael. Edited 1 time in total.)
Azrael was quite entertained by the show playing out before him! Absinth was equally curious about the mysterious stranger at their doorstep, but at the mention of them being sisters, that curiosity shifted into a bristling vitriol. Brow raised over a green eye, Az could only smirk sagaciously while he observed the confrontation between the two "sisters". Absinth seemed to believe this was some sort of trick; a ruse or a facade put on by the bizarre fae as a means of confusing them. The bizarre wolf before them continued her explanation, that they were indeed sisters, and Absinth rightfully questioning her motives for being here.

For now, Azrael sat passively by, yet attentively, paying close attention to this Melanth or Helonia's body language, her posture, her expressions, scrutinizing her for any signs of untruthfulness or deception. So far, either she was an exceptionally good actor, or she was telling them the truth. When Helonia brought her attention back to him and winked, Azrael offered her a sly smirk, his chest puffing up with a bit of delight as she complimented his hunting prowess. She had been part of the hunting party that had wreaked a bloody swath across the north for little more than fun. Well, if she wanted to get to know one another more intimately, far be it from him to deny her. His green eyes roved appreciatively over her curvaceous form. Yes, he wouldn't mind getting himself underneath her tail if given the chance...

Then the ball was in Absinth's court. This Melanth/Helonia wolf had said her piece, but she had failed to answer the most pressing question yet. "A touching family reunion, but that still doesn't explain why you are here, dear Helonia," replied the Saxe brute in velvety tones, cocking his head curiously to her. "Absinth asked why you're here. So why are you here?" Was she seeking to join their ranks? To reconnect with her sister? Or was she here for other purposes yet to be revealed?

"Azrael Saxe"

Warning: Azrael is a highly mature character for violent and sexual content. Read his threads with caution.