
It's The Place To Be




Master Intellectual (240)

Master Healer (265)

An icon representing the specialty Professor Professor

An icon representing the specialty Anatomist Anatomist

2 Years

06-15-2024, 08:10 PM

Mariah took a moment to study Cerberus as he shared, her eyes tracing the outline of his muscular form silhouetted against the starry sky. His voice was steady and calm, his words thoughtful and measured. She admired his openness, his ability to discuss the past without bitterness or regret. She found herself wanting to know more about him, to understand him a bit better than she did. But of course, she wasn’t going to pry.

His chuckles rang in her ears brought on a sense of comfort, and his mention of Viper being misunderstood sparked her curiosity further. The way he painted the picture of his mother was intriguing. She found herself drawn even more towards his story, his vulnerability making him all the more compelling. “Misunderstood...” Mariah echoed, her voice faint in the quiet night. The word hung in the air between them. “It sounds like you understood her fairly well- or well enough, I suppose.” Mariah mused, she paused, turning her silver eyes towards the inky black sky sewn with the glittering stars, her thoughts losing themselves in the overwhelming expanse. Such a misunderstood concept, she reflected – family. You were born into it, or you made it. It was precisely how Cerberus had with Siren; they had made a family out of their circumstances, formed bonds that ran deeper than blood. She turned back to Cerberus, her eyes searching his.

Mariah felt a flutter of warmth in her chest as Cerberus' paw gently traced the curve of her back and shoulder. His touch was soft, tentative, stirring emotions within her she wasn't expecting to feel. It was an intimate exchange, one that seemed to lessen the distance between them. She met his gaze, her silver eyes reflecting the pale moonlight. "Thank you," she said, her voice soft and earnest. "For trusting me enough to share." She smiled warmly at him, feeling a strange sense of contentment wash over her.

"Mariah Mendacium"

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1. It's The Place To Be The Starlit Plains 04:10 PM, 06-14-2024 10:43 AM, 06-20-2024