
Ooo Fancy Pants Mr. McGee Over Here F--- [Absinth]


Raiders Hollow

Master Fighter (320)

Master Hunter (245)

An icon representing the specialty Cooperative Cooperative

2 Years
Extra large

06-15-2024, 08:29 PM
Rot Gut Whiskey's Gonna Ease My Mind

He needed a break. He needed to get the fuck out of dodge and give himself a chance to clear his head. This called for a trip to the north. Maybe with some peace and quiet he could get the ringing in his ears to stop and his thoughts to simmer down. They piled up in the back of his head, oozing out into his thoughts despite his effort to keep them in. It was a long journey and thus far had not offered him the peace he sought. Tarnish was still painfully thin but he'd had enough of sitting in his treehouse waiting to heal. He'd made it this far, he'd make it the rest of the way.

Tarnish arrived at the north, greeted by the crisp air of winter, snow piled up to his knees. It felt marvelous up here. As he walked he arrived at a strange wall of stone. Sparing no time in exploring he leapt up onto it and started walking along its top heading east. It was then the fates seemed to smile on him for the tantalizing smell of decaying meat caught his nose. It was subtle and sweet up here, kept slow by the cooler temperatures. He padding further along the wall til he found a seal carcass being picked at by a half a dozen ravens. Score!

Tarnish leapt down to the carcass and scattered the ravens as he started burrowing in, wolfing down large chunks of meat. The ribcage was particularly fascinating as were the bones that made the flippers. All was well… until a pair of coyotes approached. His ears flicked back and he snarled, hackles raised. "Oh, fuck off!"

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1. Ooo Fancy Pants Mr. McGee Over Here F--- [Absinth] The Wall 08:29 PM, 06-15-2024 11:41 PM, 11-01-2024