
we do talk about fight club

Lyra Rum-Spice

Raiders Hollow

Advanced Fighter (110)

Advanced Intellectual (60)


Student1KRapid Poster - Bronze
06-15-2024, 09:54 PM (This post was last modified: 06-15-2024, 10:44 PM by Lyra Rum-Spice. Edited 2 times in total.)

First to arrive? First to fail she would think. At least if Korona messed up, she would learn from the other girl's mistakes. Lyra would watch as the cosmic pup brandished the stick she held earlier. While it was cool, it was not as sharp as her teeth. Nor was it as sharp as the weapons Lyra had seen fellow Raiders using. Either way, she would watch. Whatever the creature was, it was quite long and much meaner-looking than she had expected.

Taking Modesty's words in deeply. She was here to learn, not judge her sister...Mother had told them to pair up, so she would. Immediately, she would approach one of the cattle dogs. She wasn't sure how to start this, but she would think back to all her training. Her lessons with Gil, her spar with Kor... It wouldn't be for nothing.

The dog would give her no time to react, a paw would smack her. The force would nearly knock her off her feet. How was she going to go about this? Her opponent was nearly double her weight, there would be no way for her to defeat it by force. Was she faster than it? Probably not. But she had to try to be more agile, although she doubted that was an option.

Frustration would boil inside her little heart. Why was so she damn small. A snarl would come out of her mouth, hoping to distract the canine momentarily. She was the lower one; from what she was taught, oftentimes times, that was one of the more advantageous positions. Another paw would swipe, and this time, she would dodge it. Backing up to create space between herself and the opponent so she could have time to think of what to do. The dog would pad up, not even taking her seriously. That would irritate her so much so that she would break into a charge. Her jaw was open and ready to clamp onto whatever flesh it was offered.

Surprisingly, she was successful in latching onto its shoulder. Though it wasn't the best spot, it was something. There was no way the dog was going to shake her off now; even its blows weren't going to break her. She just had to hold on. She wasn't quite sure how much damage she would be allowed to do. But pride swelled inside her chest. She wasn't so useless after all.

That is, until the dog did something she wasn't expecting. The cattle dog would throw all his weight onto Lyra in response to her stubbornness. Pinning her onto the floor, forcing her to let go of the shoulder that was now smashing her. A muffled whine would escape as she felt deep disappointment. Her paws kicked and kicked, but she was too weak to upheave the pet. Nor was it letting off. It wasn't funny anymore. Eventually, the dog would get up and walk away. Having clearly won the brief spar.

Lyra would gather herself, not sure what to do. There wasn't much she could do. It was clear she was not the most skilled of the bunch. She would gather herself while clearing her throat and snorting the dirt out of her nostrils. Trying to keep a straight face so her shame wasn't so evident.

Her only solution was to train harder.


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1. we do talk about fight club Cryer's Ravine 01:41 AM, 06-08-2024 08:26 PM, 08-11-2024