
The Summer Bonfire Festival (Year 20)

Open to all friends of the Hallows



Expert Fighter (146)

Advanced Hunter (60)

4 Years
Extra large

06-16-2024, 02:10 AM
Bae wasn't daft, dumb or unobservant, he saw it while it happened from his place near the pyre. Even as Art finished he was acutely aware. As gil stood, so did Bae-Syl. His own head dropping and eyes on the raid king. Though gil would reach haydee first. His raised hackles displayed his willingness to protect.

Though it wasn't a moment and his own posture would relax once more. A pair of darker wolves intervened and he glanced briefly to Artorias, noting the male watching. Good. Seemed the other brute was aware and willing to stop any attempt of breaking the night's peace. Though then he caught Haydee's gaze. His glare was not for her but he was irate. How dare the raid king. Gil was showing his true face, unable to let feuds rest when he was a guest of another pack. Ready to keep pressing when it was obvious their pack wanted nothing to do with the raiders.

The shake of a head and turn of her body set Bae-Syl back into motion. His pace kicked up and what probably looked like a retreat by him was turned into something else. He moved attempting to put himself in Haydee's and Eltry's way of exit. The pup ignored for the moment, but he would speak later to the male that seemed to be taking on a father figure role of her.

Words given before he would continue moving towards Saga as she spoke to Artorias. Hushed and for the two adults alone. "Stop running, it makes you both look guilty of starting shit, continue socializing with the hallows wolves.... they will not allow them to harm any of you. Plus I promised did I not." paws moved. Rainbows moving to the side of saga. He might of rather returned to his silent den, but not now.. the raiders were attempting to shove Haydee and their family around again. And Bae-Syl was done with that shit. It made them look weak and like cowards, like they were guilty of something. They were none of those things in his mind.

He moved to sit next to Saga. His ear stood erect now as he watched others. He only hoped Haydee would follow his lead and move herself instead to sit with Saga and Artorias. He trusted the man to keep his word about his pack being a safe place and neutral to all. Or at least thats what he understood from the bits he heard and had been told. He would only apologize for his terrible mood. "Apologies for my terrible mood tonight....." and then sounds of a real fight breaking out turned his head. It snapped fast to ensure it wasn't one of his charges as well as a rise of his hackles and defensive measures already in his mind. Only for his hackles to lower again as he noted it wasn't their wolves. A step was taken back as he figured Artorias would take care if this while his other two wolves were taking care of Gil at the moment.

A sigh passed his lips and he stayed where he was with saga. If Haydee didn't stay then she would be the only Familiar face to Bae-Syl tonight.


As his best friend and personal medic, Lucette is allowed to enter Bae-Syl's threads as she sees fit. That being said Bae-Syl is her self appointed protector and might enter threads with her in them to ensure her safety.

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1. The Summer Bonfire Festival (Year 20) The Starlit Plains 04:02 AM, 06-07-2024 12:26 AM, 07-14-2024