
The Summer Bonfire Festival (Year 20)

Open to all friends of the Hallows


The Hallows

Master Fighter (279)

Master Intellectual (260)

An icon representing the specialty Knight Knight

3 Years

Samhain 2022
06-16-2024, 07:23 AM

Rage. Pure, unadulterated rage. It was the only way to describe the intense inferno that swirled within the obsidian woman. Her long pelt stood on end, bristling and extending like midnight quills around the armor that ran down the length of her back. She was incensed. Not even Sitri could calm her. The instant that the crowd came together with the acrid tinge of heightened emotion, her nerves were set on edge. How dare they? She tried... gods, how she tried... but in the end, Dusk couldn't sit idly by.

The antlered nightmare leaped upon one of the thicker logs waiting to be burned, placing herself above others so that all eyes could be on her. She unfurled her long, prehensile tail, the deadly, glittering blade of Whisper the cat-o-nine-tails glimmering in the flickering firelight. The fiery gems ate up the flames as though starved. There was no mistaking her anger for anything else and they would feel its bite.

"Get. Out." She snarled through clenched teeth. Eyes akin to flecks of magma blazed as her gaze drifted to each face around her. Most were foreign wolves, but some were members of The Hallows. "You were invited here under the promise of peace and you've broken that promise." Some of them hadn't even been invited. Why was there a fucking bear here?

Dusk continued, a snarl in each word. "This is a time of great importance for our family. A time that we CHOSE to share with you. A time of remembrance and togetherness. My grandmother, founder of The Hallows, would be rolling in her grave because of this." Teeth flashed, illuminated by the flickering fire, making Dusk look more like the gargoyle that she called herself than ever before. "You allowed your selfishness and your ego's to rule you like lowly dogs and I will NOT forget it."

"Those of you intent upon following your baser urges and breaking the rules of The Hallows... I'll give you once chance to escort yourselves out. If I have to walk you to the border, you'll regret it." Again, a growl rippled from the fae's chest, lips curling to bare her teeth once more. "Get. Out." Dusk meant fucking business.


[Image: WlfCSL1.png]

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