
Underneath The Bridge



"Not A Caveman"


Master Fighter (240)

Master Intellectual (240)

An icon representing the specialty Bard Bard

4 Years
Dire wolf

Pride - PolysexualSamhain 2022HomebodyAll Oozed OutThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3
06-16-2024, 10:18 AM

Cerberus' relationship with Scylla was purely emotional, having been raised as if they were littermates it felt like her and Albion had known him best, next to Ruse as well. But Scylla offered him something a little more different than his other single sister. He wouldn't be able to name it but it was probably to do with their vast personalities. Ruse he felt more like he had to protect, he felt the same with Scylla but she seemed a lot more capable of holding her own. They all grew up knowing the strength in their bloodlines.

He held her tight, caressed around her neck and shoulder, nothing making him more happy than being here looking back at her. As much as he missed Auster he was home here with her. Just as she had said. He could have regrets of not being there when she needed him, but for now he needed to revel in the moments they shared.

His head turned slightly to look at her as she spoke, nodding gently in agreement hoping that Albion would be here with them so they could all be reunited again. He felt like maybe Albion was in the same place he was. He had no other choice, this was like his calling. He had to be here for them. He was done running around chasing dreams. They would just have to come naturally or not at all. He took just a moment to consider her plans for the pack. With Ashen fallen, Scylla inviting the rest of their Kin to a home seemed reasonable. Cerberus knew their tree was large, but he didn't know most of them. Thinking he wouldn't get along with anyone didn't feel like such a problem. Not with his sister in charge that was. "That sounds perfect." He commented, brushing his paw against her side again with affection. He stayed quiet a few more seconds before telling her, "I need to let Avacyn know." Soft gaze came back down to her face, hoping the mention of her wouldn't irritate her. "I will stay here with you though." He squeezed her slightly to show he was content not going back to Elysium. His priorities were here with her.
