
Leave behind your heart and cast away

feat. Nami



Intermediate Fighter (50)

Beginner Hunter (10)

2 Years
06-16-2024, 07:20 PM

Get in her space? She snorted, a sound that didn't convey much to the average stranger but to the blue woman it was a sound that showed some amusement. Mildly, at least. "Wouldn't have let you." If she wanted someone to fuck off or leave her alone and she felt strongly enough, she certainly had no issues saying as much or making them piss off. While she wasn't as prone to finding others to talk to or going out of her way to be social... well, she wasn't going to be a dick and tell this lady to leave. At least she wasn't feeling like it today.

The rattling of the other girl caught her attention and she eyed the strange bandanna around her neck. It was adorned with shark teeth, quite interesting, to say the least. She had a fascination with the ocean and the things within it. Not that she ever talked about it much... but the curiosity was there in her gaze, even if she didn't speak on it.

Instead, her seafoam gaze shifted upwards and away from the bandanna, to the woman's face as she spoke again. Spoke a lot. Her tattered ear tilted back, her good one tilted forward as she tried to make out this stranger. She'd never really interacted with a chatty person like this and she didn't know what to make of it. "No." She replied at length as she sorted through the barrage of words. "From nowhere." A wanderer. Here and gone with the winds. Would that be forever? Who knew. "Easy prey." She rumbled thoughtfully, turning her eyes to the water. "Fall, then?" For the easiest fishing of her life?

She could easily see the excitement and it was... well, strange, to her. She'd never been around someone who showed positive emotions so easily. She dealt with reserved wolves, one who angered easily, those she had to be on guard with --although she was usually on guard with most others at all times-- but someone like this? No, she didn't think she'd ever seen it before. Intriguing. Her impassive gaze flickered with just the tiniest hint of amusement at the other's displays.


Death inspires me
like a dog inspires a rabbit

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