
I'll just be over here...




Expert Fighter (195)

Master Intellectual (240)

An icon representing the specialty Tactician Tactician

1 Year
06-16-2024, 09:10 PM

As some sort of chaos began to break out quickly after the bonfire was lit, Wynter quickly removed herself from the bulk of the crowd. She didn't know what exactly was going on or who had a problem with who, but it was a big party and she didn't see a reason to get herself tangled in the mess. She certainly didn't want her protective father to take away her traveling privileges before they even began because she ended up in a fight that wasn't hers on her first real outing. With a huff as she walked away from the crowd that had gathered around the scuffle, she wandered off around to the other side of the massive bonfire where she had seen a large spread of food and treats laid out for the guests. No reason all of this had to go to waste...

As she walked around the fire, however, she spotted another younger wolf that looked maybe a bit younger than her that also seemed to be keeping to himself. Well, it was good to see that not everyone was caught up in the drama. She had been a little afraid that her chances to mix and mingle had been washed away as soon as the threats started going out. She walked over to the boy that looked like he was coated in dark gray with lighter slate stripes across his back from what she could tell in the firelight. "What a mess, huh?" she commented with a chuckle and a nod toward the crowd. Even though she guessed he wasn't quite a yearling yet, he was probably pretty close since he was already taller than her–not that she was incredibly tall to begin with. "I'm Wynter. I was about to go see what kind of food they prepared for this party if you want to join me."

"Wynter Fatalis"

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1. I'll just be over here... The Starlit Plains 09:10 PM, 06-16-2024 09:40 PM, 09-02-2024