
Birds of a feather

Malico Seasonal



Advanced Fighter (115)

Advanced Hunter (100)

2 Years
Extra large

Critical Attack!
06-17-2024, 01:05 AM

With his return to Elysium, Malico had been seeking opportunities to learn and grow his natural interest in hunting. So, when he had been approached by his uncle, Deimos, to go to a neighboring land and catch some birds for the food stores, of course the young man had jumped at the chance. Winter time means snow and fewer prey animals all around but there were still bellies that need to be filled within Elysium which means that the hunters have to switch up the animals that they catch.

Hence the birds.

While many birds may not be plump enough to consume, there are a few worthy contestants to be found in the Rustling Thicket. The natural cover that the tall grass and even taller bushes offer is a perfect paradise for a variety of birds but there is only one specific species that Malico wants to hunt today. Had the purple man done some scouting before he had left for this hunting trip with Deimos? Of course! Knowledge is power; or, that is what Mariah is always telling him.

The purple males make their out past Firefly Lake, to the land teeming with birds and small prey where they will be hunting for the day. Eyes scan the tall grasses as they come to a stop at the edge of the territory and he spies the soft rustling of blades that signals movement underneath. Eyes move up to catch the words that his ears might miss as his uncle speaks and Malico cocks his head in an effort to catch the subtle sounds of a very particular bird that he seeks to hunt today.

A grin splits his maw as he hears it and he rights his head while saying, “Well, I hear some quail hiding in there. If you go in and spook them, they will take flight to try and find a better place to hide. Instead, I will be waiting for them.” Brows lift as he silently questions if this idea is suitable for Deimos, knowing that the birds may be small but that they also cannot fly well. If his uncle rushes through the brush and kicks up the quails, they take to the air in a short but explosive flight to try and find new cover. All he will have to do is intercept and bring down as many as he can before they land.

After that, they should be able to rinse and repeat the process until they have felled enough of the birds to satisfy Deimos.

WC: 424
Total WC: 736 / 1500

"Malico Mendacium"

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1. Birds of a feather Rustling Thicket 08:10 PM, 05-29-2024 12:27 PM, 07-16-2024