
She's got the fire and the fight of the gyspy


12-11-2013, 06:58 PM

A sad smile would mimic her brothers own. His words swirled in her ears. I love you too Taur." She would lift her snout, her nose pressing to her brothers own. She was confident that her home would remain in tact, no matter what. She would not allow it to fall, or her brother to come to anymore harm. She didn't know why, but she found herself so deeply involved in the pack and her brothers life, unlike she had ever expected. But it made her happy.

"I'm so glad I met you first." Tones would soft, spoken only for her brother. She would tuck her crown under her brothers chin, leaning against him. She would allow silence to envelope them. She would allow herself just a moment to enjoy her brothers presence, to let her worries slip away and just enjoy her brothers protection. "This was nice." She spoke with an earnest smile, "But you should probably get back to so secretive wife to be." She would tease her brother lightly before stepping away, "I'll see you around." The russet queen would turn, departing from her brother.

-exit unless stopped-

OOC- not sure if Taur wants to say anymore

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