
mysterious carnelian



Master Fighter (245)

Expert Navigator (235)

An icon representing the specialty Juggernaut Juggernaut

3 Years
Extra large

Pride - Gay (MLM)Samhain 2022
06-17-2024, 05:36 PM

Enki looks lovingly at Akh as they talk, memorizing every line and curve on her face as he tries to reconcile the pup that he remembers with the woman who now stands before him. They talk of missing each other and the sudden urge to latch onto her and never let go again slams into him with a suddenly and unexpected furiosity. For a moment, he wrestles with the feeling before he is able to push it back down and, when as she admits that she is glad to be here now, a warm, joyful smile curls the man’s lips upward. Then he goes on to explains all that had happened to him after the pack’s fall and what had separated him from the family.

Akhlut’s eyes widen at the tale and shame runs across his face as he realizes that he is trying to excuse his absence and, in the wake of that insight, just how flimsy it really is. However, her words have him melting inside and that loving smile that graces her lips stuns him into silence because he doesn’t feel like she should be so willing to forgive him. As she apologizes to him, Enki shakes his head and softly says, “No, Akh. I am so sorry I wasn’t there for you. I swear I never stopped thinking about you and I… I should have gone looking for you.”

How Enki yearns to hold her but he restrains himself and instead, turns his attention to the two badgers that accompany his beloved sister. With a warm smile given to the pair he questions his sister, “Who are your friends Akhlut? They seem to very bonded with you.” There is so much more that he wishes to ask but he does not wish to overwhelm his sister. So, he holds back the deluge in favor of slowly asking simple things right now.

"Enki Klein"