
Throw The Bones




Master Fighter (245)

Expert Navigator (235)

An icon representing the specialty Juggernaut Juggernaut

3 Years
Extra large

Pride - Gay (MLM)Samhain 2022
06-17-2024, 06:13 PM
Each vertebra and strange fin like spine that juts from the earth on the closest skeleton to him has wild fantasies running circles through Enki’s head. What creatures were these and how long have they dead? It seems like their bones had been swallowed whole by the earth until some natural occurrence had shaken loose the dirt that entombed them and brought them out into the light. They are yellowed from the sun and time and the broad skull of the strange creature he has zeroed in on, seems to slowly be reclaimed by nature with crawling ivy.

Green vines curl around the stark contours of its cheeks, climbing up toward the empty eye socket where it disappears from sight. Tiny white flowers bloom across the ivy, lending a strange, surreal beauty to the bones as life slowly works to reclaim the dead. The green grass of the plains edges close to where the long dead monster lays, not daring to get close enough to touch as if the bones might transfer its death to the vibrant growth. A long rib bone attached to the vertebra and spines protrudes down toward the earth, its length disappearing into the ground as if to suggest that there is more below to see.

Enki is so engrossed in studying the strange skeletons that litter this land, that he does not hear the approach of the stranger until a voice, very close by, speaks. Practically jumping out of his skin, the pale pink man almost sends himself tumbling down the hill he stands upon as he quickly, but shyly, rounds on the owner of the voice and says, “Yeah. I, uh, I haven’t seen anything like this before. Do you know what kind of creatures belong to those bones?” Head cants to the side as he questions the stranger wishing to know more about the beasts that must have once roamed these lands.

"Enki Klein"

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1. Throw The Bones Fossil Ridge 04:56 PM, 06-17-2024 08:28 PM, 08-11-2024