
A Thousand Rainy Days



Master Intellectual (240)

Master Navigator (244)

An icon representing the specialty Professor Professor

An icon representing the specialty Fleet-footed Fleet-footed

2 Years

Critical Attack!Double MasterStudentSamhain 20221K
06-17-2024, 08:51 PM
Talyssa, still lost in a sea of sensations, blinked in confusion at Quill's words. Her heart pounded at his admission, his declaration of need for her. But the mention of contraceptive herbs brought her crashing down to reality. Her large doe eyes widened in surprise and realization. She hadn't given it a thought; hadn’t even considered … this …. to have been a possibility when she was leaving to travel on her own to begin to prepare for it in the first place. With each devastating heartbeat, she felt an odd flutter of excitement. With her gaze still held captive by Quill's paw, she let out an almost imperceptible nod. The implications of his words, weighty as they were, proved to be too much for her to fully digest at that moment. Her gaze fell to the grass, where the bright beams of the moon made silver streaks. “Yes,” She murmured lightly. “I will need some.” Answering in agreement to the words that were all but provided to her.

Now that it was over with, her mind was left reeling. Uncertain of what just happened, or if it had been the right decision. Had she handled it appropriately? The thought process of it all began to wash over her, but when he crushed his lips to her own once again, she couldn't help but respond, her innocence being steadily eroded away by his demanding affection- and she all too willing to give in to it.

When he finally pulled away from their passionate kiss, she was left yearning for more—though her longing was short-lived. His lips embarked on a journey down her body, igniting her senses with each tender touch. As his tongue traced a delicate path along her abdomen and thighs, it sent electrifying shivers cascading through her entire being. She had never experienced anything so intensely raw before; a part of her felt shy and self-conscious under the weight of his adoration, but another, more primal aspect of her relished every second with fervent anticipation. That was, until he made contact with her most intimate parts.

It was shocking at first- sending a jolt through her body as she fought to steady herself. As he continued his ministrations, she felt a heat flush through her as she inadvertently arched toward the pressure of his tongue, her nails digging into the earth beneath her. Each lick sent a subsequent surge of electricity through her that left her breathless, causing soft whimpering moans to escape her lips. Her body still throbbed from his earlier intrusion, and as his tongue traced patterns against her sensitive flesh, she felt an entirely new sensation beginning to build within her- picking up where their coupling had left off. A gasp fell from her lips as everything seemed to intensify. The heat spread, radiating from her core and filling her entire body with a delicious warmth that was both foreign and welcome.

"Quill..." she whispered, her voice barely carrying across the gentle rustling of the surrounding grass. Her body bucked underneath him, her grip on the earth beneath her tightening as she felt herself teetering on the edge of something incredible. Letting her eyes flutter close, Talyssa surrendered herself fully to the pleasure. She could feel the energy building, like a storm on the horizon. Each swipe of his tongue brought her closer and closer to that precipice. Her breath hitched as Quill found a particular spot that made her cry out, her nails scraping the stone and dirt. The pressure inside of her was building like a wildfire, spreading into every nerve, every muscle, until she just couldn’t take it anymore. In a smooth, desperate whine — "Quill!"

Without any warning, the world seemed to explode around her. Heat crashed through her in waves, tearing a gasp from her as Quill continued his assault unabated. Her back arched as she rode the crest of her high, muscles clenching and unclenching uncontrollably. For how long, she didn’t know. She was lost in a sea of pleasure, riding the waves until they finally began to ebb. Slowly, the world came back into focus. The grass beneath her felt cool and comforting against her overheated skin. Her breaths came in ragged gasps, chest rising and falling rapidly beneath the moonlight.

Her body still trembled with the aftershocks of her release, the unfamiliar sensation making Talyssa feel lighter than air. Quill's large form near her was a comforting weight, his breath against her skin making her shiver, but in a good way. His presence was dominating and yet reassuring. And she want him close to her- as close as she could get him. “Lay with me?” Her voice was uncertain, a feeble pitch that barely stirred the quiet night air. Whether he would or not, she didn’t know. But it wouldn’t stop her from wanting it.

"Talyssa Carpathius"

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1. A Thousand Rainy Days Waterfall Peak 01:03 AM, 04-25-2024 06:51 AM, 06-24-2024