
Ha! Buffoolery!


The Syndicate

Expert Hunter (130)

Expert Navigator (140)

2 Years
06-18-2024, 07:20 AM

Crimson gaze swept over the grazing few that lingered not so far away. However, enough distance to where they had an advantage. He wasn’t oblivious to the company which sought him. Jynn’s familiar perfume brushing across his nose. Another, who’d so happen to capture during his observation, nestled just off to the side. Taking in note of her medium build. Such a small few and he did not much care as long as they did their part. Cifa needed not worry about Jynn. It was the other one who he questioned.

Lungs filled with winter’s crisp air as he inhaled quick, short breaths. Preparing for the hunt he knew would be rather difficult. Buffalo’s did not go down so easily. Regardless of their clumsy and stupid behavior.

A beckoning of his head to the orange canid led them to circling the other side. Paws light in their steps over the white powdered earth. Moving on crouched legs to better get in position of their attack. Hunter’s adrenaline pumped like blood through his veins. Predatory intentions clear as lips pulled back to release a low, vibrating growl. Though it remained soundless.

Just ahead, hidden between the uneven tundra of hills lay a singular buffalo. From the looks of it, Cifarelli could make out the plumpness of her stomach. The pressure of it weighting her down from closing in on near birth. With only a few months to go before spring, if not weeks, the mother herself looked quite tired. Wandering off to find rest away but within view of the rest of the herd.


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1. Ha! Buffoolery! Buffalo Knolls 11:19 AM, 06-15-2024 10:09 PM, 09-14-2024