
Venomous resupply



The Syndicate

Expert Hunter (180)

Advanced Healer (100)

3 Years
Extra large
06-18-2024, 03:43 PM

While he was cutting the spines oh so carefully out of the stonefish, Azrael would occasionally pause to glance up and watch Mireia as she hunted about for the fish in the tide pools he had instructed her to find. One by one, the experienced hunter removed each of the twelve spines and slipped them into his bag to be properly cleaned and sterilized at a later time. With the first fish successfully de-spined, Azrael tossed the mutilated corpse aside and went back to searching through the tide pools as well. The stonefish were sneaky and clever hiders, but he was a veteran of this game of hide and seek. He spotted another stone shift ever so slightly in one of the pools, then noticed the fins coming off the side of it. With a careful thrust of his dagger down into the water, he skewered the stonefish straight through the head, killing it immediately as he lifted it out of the tide pool for harvesting.

Azrael had no sooner begun making his incisions along the fish's back to remove its spines when he heard a cacophony of splashing water and looked up to see Mireia in an absolute frenzy of activity. She slammed a stonefish down onto the shore with a wet splat, the beached creature flopping about helplessly as it gasped for air it could not breathe. Mireia looked about in a panic—then grabbed a stone and brought it down with a smash onto the fish's head, earning her a slightly perturbed stare from the Saxe brute. Fixing his new Sidi with a concerned gaze, Az stepped over to her, looking between her and the mutilated fish corpse at her paws.

Without a word, the violet brute held his knife up to her, giving it a little wave in the air. "You could have asked for it," he remarked with incredulous disbelief at what he had just witnessed. "Did you not keep that knife you killed Vaso with?" With a disappointed sigh and a shake of his head and roll of his eyes, he went back to dissecting the stonefish they'd collected. "We're going back for it when we're done here. Just keep fishing."

"Azrael Saxe"

Warning: Azrael is a highly mature character for violent and sexual content. Read his threads with caution.