
Snow day play



The Syndicate

Advanced Fighter (60)

Advanced Intellectual (60)

2 Years
Dire wolf
06-19-2024, 03:02 AM

Oh, this moment was so good! Laying on his back with a beautiful fae draped over him like a blanket, her hips working with such sweet gyrations into his own firming male bits, it was all like a wet dream come to life! The friction of their bodies kept themselves warm against the cold, the press of Kaino’s intimate parts to his enticing him with the promise of more… and then suddenly she was gone and there was just cold. Rogue’s eyes snapped open wide with shock, blinking rapidly as his brain rushed to catch up to what was happening. Kai was down in the snow now, tumbling across he ground with a dark form trying to savage her. A dark form Rogue realized he knew.

Oh shit!

"Nimue!" Rogue scrambled to his paws, getting to his feet a bit stiffly thanks to his compromising arousal, his first instincts to separate Nimue from Kaino before she did any harm to the Saxe fae. But Kai was already on her paws and squaring off against Nimue, fur bristled and fangs bared. Kai asked if he knew the "woodchuck" which would have ordinarily gotten a chuckle out of Rogue, but right now he was a little too blue balled and stunned by Nimue’s aggression to find his sense of humor. "Kinda? I mean, yeah but... not really?" Rogue was too perplexed and taken off guard to try to explain his complicated history with Nimue accurately.

But with the fight already underway, Rogue would have to wait to get an answer. Kaino and Nimue danced around one another, jaws snapping and paws grappling at one another. Maybe it was his heightened sense of arousal and lust, but there was something quite erotic watching the way the two women fought. Sunset eyes followed the flow of Kai’s slender body, lithe muscles pulled taut as she grappled with Nimue, and Nimue’s lean form darting around Kai's legs between her attacks. Rogue moved in to intervene, but by then Kaino had already wrested Nimue from her and slammed the tiny wolf down onto the ground, pinning her to secure her victory. It left the blue brute speechless and impressed. He hadn't thought of Kaino as delicate by any means, but he'd only ever seen her feminine sexual side. This formidable and powerful side of Kaino was something entirely new and it made Rogue ache for her in all new ways as he gazed upon her.

Regaining control of his faculties enough to step forward, Rogue turned bewildered amethyst eyes down to the trapped Nimue, looking into her matching eyes that burned with fury. "What the hell are you doing out here, Nimue?! Why did you attack her like that?" Gods, Rogue felt like he was scolding a pup who hadn't learned basic social etiquette yet. But Nimue's attack had come completely unprovoked and unprompted as far as he could tell. Did these two have a history he wasn't aware of or something? Rogue fixed Nimue with a hard stare, waiting expectantly for her answer as to why she'd just cockblocked him so brazenly—and it had better be a good one.

"Rogue Klein"

Venom and Maverick may enter any of Rogue's threads while he is under 2 years old.