
Change, adapt, overcome

Pack Meeting



Master Fighter (245)

Master Intellectual (250)

An icon representing the specialty Bulwark Bulwark

An icon representing the specialty Bard Bard

4 Years
Extra large

1KSamhain 2022Pride - BisexualThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 1
06-19-2024, 11:37 AM

Avacyn watched and waited as the pack slowly began to trickle in, giving each of them a little nod and smile as they came in and settled in front of herself and Deimos. When Saracyn approached with their children she gave the pups a wider smile, lifting a paw to give them a little wave. But, of course, she probably should have expected at least one of them to make a scene of some sort. Fever greeted her quite... excitedly and ran up to join her on the platform, curling up in her tail. She opened her mouth to correct her only to quickly give up on the idea with a sigh, grinning and chuckling as she replied, "Hi, Fever." She glanced over at Saracyn now that he was sitting beside her and gave him a smirk before turning her attention back to the growing crowd.

Her parents and siblings filed in along with some of the remaining Kleins and Ricin. She was surprised not to see Chade with his brother, but she knew that Thyrus had been under the weather so perhaps the bug was going around. Regardless, she trusted Ricin to get the news back to him. As she was waiting for the last few to arrive, she spotted an unknown figure approaching from the direction of the border and her brows furrowed, very nearly rising to her feet to question the dappled woman, but she realized the stranger was heading straight for Chimera and the Klein man seemed to recognize her immediately. She wasn't pleased with having a trespasser in her pack like this, but that could be handled after the meeting.

Once it seemed like everyone, or mostly everyone at least, was accounted for she cleared her throat and drew everyone's attention. "Hello, everyone. Thank you for coming," she began, raising her voice so that it could easily be heard. "As you can probably guess, we have some changes to announce, but first I want to take a moment to report what I learned at a meeting I recently attended in The Hallows. A new pack that calls themselves The Syndicate has laid claim to the territories to the west of us. The accounts I have heard about their leader have proven that their leader is a dangerous individual and because of that I urge everyone to treat them with caution. I have already ordered extra patrols along the border that we share with them and I want all pups to stay away from that border. Do not engage with any of their wolves unless it is unavoidable and immediately call for assistance if you must." She glanced toward Mariah and added, "The only exception to this rule is a man named Caedes. He is a large man with dark fur and numerous scars. If you see him entering pack territory know that he has been given permission to do so. However, that permission extends to him and him alone so if he has any other Syndicate members with him they are not permitted within Elysium lands."

Now that the more dire news was out of the way, she glanced toward Deimos and went on to say, "Now, for the main reason we have called you all here... I have made the decision to separate the responsibility that I have as the Mendaicum family's Matriarch from the power of being the pack's alpha. It has been a very difficult decision to make, but I have come to realize that the compassion and family centered focus that being the Matriarch demands may not always be what the pack needs to be a strong force in the world. When my great great grandmother Nephele created the structure we have been following for the last few generations it was when the family was far smaller than it is now. There had been far fewer competing packs and dangers for them to face. Living here in Boreas has its own unique challenges that we must change and adapt to face."

"With that in mind, I not only wanted to change to adapt to our new challenges, but give more opportunities to the members of our family that may not have been able to strive for more before now. This is why I have asked my uncle, Deimos, to take on the responsibility and become Elysium's King. This will give another branch of our family an opportunity to contribute not only to our family but to our pack and open up the responsibility of leadership to whoever might be the best fit regardless of whether they are female or not." She looked to Deimos then, giving him a smile and a nod. "I trust that Deimos will be able to lead us forward into what I hope to be a new era of Elysium."

"Avacyn Medacium"