
Still Biting



12-11-2013, 10:13 PM

Eyes would narrow on the girl as she moved back to begin demonstrating what she knew, he would be watching very carefully, picking at her moves and defenses then show her some that she should know or improve on.

And so the scene would play out, the girl was eating a meal when something seemed to interrupt her, an enemy. Head would raise as Fermin watched the child, giving a small nod of approval as it went on. She bared her fangs, scrunched her eyes, fur stood up and head lowered to be level with her body. Very nice. She would go in a semi-circle around her imaginary meal, eyes focused on her opponent, ears flattened and she dove in, grabbing something and twisting her head to the left while side-stepping. Within moments it was over and she was asking how she did.

"You did some good things and bad Miss Odette." His tone would be one of just informing, not trying to put the child down, just waning to tell her what she was missing in her imaginary fight. "Narrowing your eyes and making your fur stand along with lowering your head, flattening your ears are good but you are missing a few things that would further help, in terms of defense." With that the man would take a few steps forward so that he was beside her about three feet away. "You want to keep your weight distributed over your limbs, and have your tail out to help with some balance." He would show her, spreading his legs out equally so he could still move about without stumbling because his legs were too far out. "Stay on your toes in case you have to leap out of the way... When you bring your head down, try pointing your muzzle towards the ground, it will protect your throat. While you do that you can bring your shoulders forward, the skin on your neck will create folds that will greatly help." Again he would demonstrate, pointing his muzzle towards the ground, rolling his shoulders forward to make the skin fold up around his neck.

"In the middle of a fight, try staying aware of where your opponent is. They can do various things if you go head on, snap at your face, neck or shoulders, and even feint a move to throw you off and try to slam into you before going for a more fatal attack." He would throw a serious glance to her. "You may have to sacrifice a move in order to get a good placement to deliver a blow, but try staying on all four limb, it will be harder to knock you off balance."
