
If you want to get out alive


12-11-2013, 10:44 PM

A steep short chuckle left her maw as she listened to Aza. Weather she would have won or not was not for her to decide, but she would never go to find that out. "Maybe so, maybe not, but at the time I had felt so infuriated that my families were in danger I had not thought of not winning." Vahva knew of her heritage being strong, besides of the royalty line in here, she had been an alphess for nearly four whole seasons before she returned. "I decided not however because Guinevere convinced me not. I've been a little restless though, I have yet to get used to being a subordinate again though Tortugans are friendly enough." Her tail stopped flicking as she lowered her gaze. She felt half useless to this whole situation however little it was.
"Well I am happy that at least Valhalla can still be considered my family. I probably would be seeing stars if it weren't for Guinevere, the lass has my thanks." She blinked mildly. "Is it alright if I spend the day here? I understand if I cannot seeing the circumstances. Tortuga themselves has moved, but I won't say where on behalf of Taurig's privacy." As of yet no one knew where the tortugans had moved to. So that was the most the shaman could manage in the least.
