


12-11-2013, 10:45 PM

She would migrate to his side as he called, having already wakened early and left the den. She knew her routine now, sickness in the morning, a few times during the day, and anytime she got around particular types of food. She also knew she would be up several times tonight, getting only enough sleep to keep her motivated to live - and not an ounce more. It seemed these children would have her pulling her fur out before they were even born, though she would not complain just yet. The call that had rang out, which had apparently led to her summoning, was of Taurig. She had expected this, and so the blue queen would walk alongside Isardis toward the visitors. The air did not sing of battle, and so she would remain relaxed and cool, eyes glancing to Isardis before finally resting on Taurig. If he didn't have a death wish when he'd bowled her over in the siege, he certainly did now. At least it would be an honorable death, if he indeed wanted to get his Queen and love back. She would not speak, not yet. Nor would she allow any semblance of an emotion to flood her features. An innocent bystander, she was, though it was clear - after long last - that she had picked a side amongst the feuding Armada men. As much as she loved and cared for them both, she had said it best to Argent - it would always be Isardis. Tail would curl and wave behind her placidly as she waited for something to happen - hoping of all things it would not be bloodshed.
