
Hunting and gathering

Lia, Iggy



Expert Navigator (130)

Master Intellectual (255)

An icon representing the specialty Professor Professor

2 Years

LegendaryPride - DemisexualWordy
06-20-2024, 07:25 PM

"Of course!" She was always game for exploring places she hadn't seen before, what new discoveries could she find?

Her eyes roved over the sparse slate as they walked, she hadn't gotten that much of a view of it last time. She wanted to drink it all in. Golden orbs scanned up and up and up to the top of the cliffs, to the point where the falls began. Even from here, she could see it was so very tall. She noticed the way it was recessed into the mountainside as the water fell. As if it slowly carved its way into the rack face. How long had it been flowing like that? Does it ever stop? Does it ever get larger during floods?

She was looking up at the falls when Wylan's wing interrupted her gazing and brought her attention back down to their task. She looked around, he seemed alarmed, the sheep were bleating, and if she concentrated it did sound alarmed. She followed him closely and as they rounded the corner Ignita simultaneously gasped and stepped back.

She shared a glance with Wylan as he murmured into her ear about a sister. She honestly wouldn't know if she had ever come across a sibling unless they knew her first. The woman was licked in flames and Ignita wondered if they could be related, but she had no idea.

She let Wylan take the lead here, remaining silent. She would offer the woman a warm smile though, a quint dip of her head in greeting. They mean no harm and want no trouble. They wanted to sort this out as amicably as possible.


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1. Hunting and gathering Waterfall Peak 04:41 PM, 06-20-2024 03:04 PM, 07-18-2024