
Got to be you reading my letter

Continued from the Event with Erebos.



Master Intellectual (250)

Intermediate Hunter (40)

2 Years

Pride - SapiosexualPride - Demisexual1K
06-20-2024, 08:11 PM
Identification followed Erebos, the dire wolf who she cared for dearly, even loved. Although she was young, maybe niaeve? Possible. Watching him with those bright emerald eyes of hers, as he halted as he advanced to the mound, the sound of the water making music. Birds also sang within the tree tops, as she took a seat near him, not directly infront of him but near him. Allowing his scent to flow over her own.

The way that he said her name gave her butterflies as it had many times over, although it was just her name at first. 'I can't promise you this won't be hard. And I cannot give you the entirety of me.' Giving him a puzzled look, wondering what he had meant, the way he paused and turned away for a moment. Then he spoke again.

'But I can promise to give this a try.' Serious tones, something she would grow accustumed to. Although it would not happen over night, she'd be foolish to think so. 'We've .. never talked about this before. I did it to initially protect you.' What did he mean protect her? Protect her from what? Speechless for a moment, ears twisted to the sides. Deep in thought.

"Protect me?" What did he mean protect her? "You need not to protect me. I think I've prooven that although it was not the way it should have been. And I admit that." It was true. She was taken from her own thoughts as his voice rang to her. Something she thought never in a million years would she hear the brute say, except that time around Eltrys. 'Be my mate.' Eyes widen, as brows furrowed for a moment.

Turning to him as she allowed her voice to be heard. "I can not promise you that this road will be easy, we both know I am stubborn at times. I think you know my answer already. For you've had my answer those long lonely nights ago." Looking to him as a lover and a best friend would. As a mate would.

"I wont always tell you the stupid shit I do, for I know you will always know with those eyes and ears. I could never want another man to touch me." She blushed and turned away before turning back to him, lifting her paw to his cheek. "But I will promise to also give this a try, but also to be always honest and loyal." Her lips went to his as she turned his head towards her own.


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1. Got to be you reading my letter Cedar Falls 05:26 PM, 06-20-2024 12:02 PM, 07-01-2024