
Deadliest Catch, Season 20



Expert Hunter (195)

Novice Fighter (15)

3 Years
Dire wolf
06-20-2024, 11:53 PM (This post was last modified: 06-20-2024, 11:53 PM by Aristaios. Edited 1 time in total.)

Aristaios watched intently as the other wolves lunged for the walrus's tail and flank, their collective efforts aimed at overwhelming the massive beast with injuries and bloodloss. Their teeth sank into the thick blubber, ripping and tearing with savage precision. The walrus bellowed in distress, its haunting cry echoing through the frozen wood, but Aristaios remained focused on his own target.

With a powerful leap, he propelled himself over the walrus's back, his body a blur against the icy landscape. His muscles coiled and released in a perfect display of agility and strength, carrying him to the creature's vulnerable nape. The world around him seemed to slow as he honed in on his mark, the scent of blood and fear sharp in his nostrils. His jaws clamped down with crushing force, teeth piercing through the thick skin and sinew. The taste of blood filled his mouth, a briny tang that sent his senses reeling. He held on with savage determination, his powerful frame bracing against the walrus's frantic thrashes.

The other wolves continued their assault, their combined weight and ferocity wearing down the walrus's defenses. Aristaios felt the creature's strength waning, its movements growing weaker with each passing moment. He tightened his grip, his jaws sinking deeper into the nape, determined to end the struggle swiftly.

The walrus's bellows turned to gurgles as its life force ebbed away. Aristaios's powerful jaws crushed through sinew and bone, cutting off the creature's air and hastening its downfall. The walrus's body convulsed in a final, desperate attempt to shake him off, but Aristaios held firm, his grip unbreakable.


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1. Deadliest Catch, Season 20 Submerged Woods 02:15 PM, 06-14-2024 06:50 AM, 06-24-2024