
Time is a Heck of a Thing



Advanced Fighter (90)

Advanced Intellectual (85)

4 Years
Dire wolf

Pride - Bisexual
06-21-2024, 03:17 AM

The Klein brothers were a group thick as thieves. They didn't always travel together or spend traditional quality time together, but they'd grown up with a special kind of bond. A litter of all boys was bound to build fraternal camaraderie, and Revenant and Quill had always been similar. A desire to roam, to have the freedom to do as they pleased, and a love for the finer things in life and the fairer company that came with it. Revenant quietly wondered if perhaps Quill would be rejoining the new Klein pack Scylla was establishing and coming back into the fold of their family like it seemed like the rest of their siblings were. He didn't get a chance to ask him though, as the fawn-colored fae began to speak again, continuing her lesson. Quill made a remark about her being his only conquest that ever mattered, and that earned him a surprised and dubious look from his brother. With all the faes they'd bedded amongst their travels, he was skeptical to hear such devoted words from his lecher of a brother. "Oh? Is the great ladies' brute Quill Klein finally retiring to settle down?" They'd have to catch up afterwards. He needed to hear all about this girl who'd somehow tamed his wild brother.

Returning to the lesson at hand, Revenant kept his mismatched eyes on the woman as she went through her lesson, explaining how the bones had come to be unearthed. She seemed so confident, so sure of her answers, but Rev remained skeptical. She was hypothesizing at best, but it did make logical sense. He wasn't one usually moved by the past. To him, it was all about the future. What was to come instead of what had happened. Still, he would play nicely with the others. Following leisurely behind Quill, Revenant stopped to examine one of the massive bones, running a paw along its smooth, calcined sides. "And a testament that, no matter how powerful or eternal something may seem, nothing lasts forever. Everything ends." Everything—the Klein empire, their family, even themselves.


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1. Time is a Heck of a Thing Fossil Ridge 11:56 AM, 06-07-2024 01:24 AM, 06-27-2024