
Look, look with your special eyes



"The Ash and Snow Queen"


Master Healer (240)

Master Intellectual (240)

An icon representing the specialty Field Medic Field Medic

An icon representing the specialty Professor Professor

6 Years

1KThe Ooze ParticipantPride - Bisexual
06-21-2024, 04:04 AM
Every so often throughout the night, Aliana would wake to check on Chimera and make sure he was still sleeping soundly. Thankfully, the medicines she'd applied to his eye didn't appear to be causing him any discomfort or pain, and her husband continued to sleep through the day undisturbed. It was in between one of her bouts of sleep and waking that Ali felt her world begin to shift as she was scooped up, bleary aquamarine eyes blinking open as a confused, groggy expression came over her delicate features. What on earth was happening? She was in Chimera's arms now, held upright against his strong body, and he was saying something. Something about what she'd done? She felt the dampness of his tears against her neck and realization dawned on her. Oh no, had she harmed Chimera?! Ali's heart immediately began to race as worry set in, the little healer fae gently pushing herself back so she could begin a hurried triage—only to find a shocking sight looking back at her.

Chimera's right eye, once a clouded milky white of blindness, was now a beautiful and pristine aquamarine that mirrored her own eyes. Aliana's breath caught in her throat while she stared into her husband's eyes—or more accurately, his healed eye. Chimera was praising her efforts, telling her that he could see her, actually see her! Ali was still in a daze, half stupefied by the miracle that had been performed and half still coming to consciousness. Was she still in a dream right now? This moment had only ever been manifested in her most pleasant of nights and yet here they were, very much awake, and Chimera very much cured. So stunned silent was the petite clouded queen that she couldn't say anything, just gasping in awe and giving little incredulous sighs while Chi cuddled her close, calling her the most devastatingly beautiful thing he'd ever seen. Ali was still reeling from the astonishment to properly process his affections.

"It worked... It actually worked...!" gasped the clouded fae in amazement, trying to pull back enough to gaze up into her husband's healed eye once more. She needed to be sure. She had to check her work. Slowly Aliana raised a paw and slowly brought it towards his eye, wiggling her digits and moving her paw side to side to track his pupil's movements and responses. Sure enough, his eye reacted to every single motion without delay. Again she gasped, an amazed smile gradually creeping across her muzzle. "I can't believe it! Chimera, you're cured!" Wasting no more time to celebrate, Aliana gently cupped Chimera's cheeks in her dainty paws and brought her lips to his over and over and over again, kissing him with frantic, emphatic love and bliss. She'd managed to restore what fate had stolen so cruelly from him before he'd even left the womb. It had taken a lifetime of dedicating herself to her medical studies, but it had paid off in dividends.

After the dozenth affectionate kiss, Aliana drew back just enough to gaze deeply into her brute's eyes once more, marveling how beautiful his right eye looked. She had no idea if this had always been the color his eye was supposed to be or if there was a little bit of divine magic in his restoration, but she liked to imagine it wasn't just coincidence. "Oh Chi, your eye... It's so beautiful." Squirming around in his hold just enough so she could reach over and grab the half full bowl of water near the bed, Ali brought it over so Chi could glimpse his reflection in the water's surface and see what he had always meant to look like for the first time ever. "Now you are whole, my handsome king." Ali smiled; truly her life's work had been completed.

"Chimera & Aliana"

As her mate, Chimera may enter any thread Aliana is in.