
In the shadows of the forest




Master Fighter (290)

Master Intellectual (240)

1 Year
Dire wolf
06-21-2024, 02:15 PM (This post was last modified: 06-26-2024, 08:19 PM by Cadaver. Edited 1 time in total.)

Cadaver couldn't help but feel a surge of adrenaline course through him as he witnessed the subtle flinch from Ember at his looming presence. The imposing figure of the two-toned brute stood a good deal taller over her more delicate frame, his reassurance of his own dominance and power made all the more apparent at his recognition. It was almost intoxicating to see her unease, a satisfying rush that sent a thrill down his spine. His sister, Illusion, had taught him well - how to use his physical advantages to manipulate and control those around him. He hadn't purposely crept up on her, but the element of surprise only added to the excitement and gratification he felt in this moment.

A low, guttural chuckle rumbled from deep within Cadaver's chest, a dark and menacing sound that seemed to hang like a shroud in the crisp, frozen air. His gaze held an inherent arrogance as he looked upon her, his piercing eyes seeming to see right through her facade. She squared her shoulders and tried to puff out her chest, but it was a feeble attempt to stand up to him. It only brought another chuckle from Cadaver, his cruel grin spreading across his half-white face, revealing sharp teeth that glinted in the moonlight. As he got a better look at her, he could see that she was clearly older - perhaps just a yearling herself - but not by much

"Oh, just the lucky one, I suppose." Cadaver drawled lazily, his tongue swiping over sharp canines at the thought. With a charming smile plastered on his chiseled features, he took a step closer, intentionally invading her personal space. The air around them seemed to crackle with tension and anticipation as he challenged her bravado. "Can take care of yourself, eh?" He echoed her words with a daring smirk painted on his split-tone muzzle. "Well, it would be such a shame if that confidence were misplaced." The glint in his eyes matched the edge in his voice, hinting at the many ways he could prove her wrong if she dared to test him

"Cadaver Nightwing"