
Baby, I’m Giving You The Mommy Issues

Scalysia Birth Thread


Raiders Hollow
The Crow

Master Fighter (450)

Master Navigator (354)

An icon representing the specialty Marauder Marauder

An icon representing the specialty Scout Scout

3 Years
Extra large

Critical Fail!UnderachieverSamhain 2022
06-21-2024, 02:49 PM

Ely's bird had arrived days prior to her going into labor. How she knew it would be soon was more impressive to him than he would ever admit. Females were weird, okay? But still, it was the reason he had stayed behind from attending the bonfire - which more or less would turn out to have been a bad thing. Scald wouldn't know that yet and wouldn't care to know what transpired down in Auster for he had much more important business to be tending to. Leaving the pack in the paws of Sparrow (again, why did any of this sound to be a good idea?), Scald goes to find Morwenna. His knowledge of the Syndicate's healers is lackluster and he doesn't want to show up without help in case she needs it. Sparing as few details as possible, Scald convinces Wenna to travel with him to the north.

So he (hopefully with Morwenna with him) sets off for the north with Elysia's bird leading the way. He knew where the Syndicate lie, but her birthing den's location was a different story. Taking no longer than a day or so, Scald can tell they're in the right location by the strong scent of body fluids emanating from the den that lies in secrecy along the pack's border. Pups of his own was a new thing, but pups in general were not. His mother was on her third litter already and he had also witness the traumatic experience of Sparrow giving birth out in the open, on the beach, right as she's about to try and fight Azure. Yeah, crazy, but when was his family and friends not?

When he approaches the den, two other scents waft over to him. One is familiar and the masculine one was not. Had Ely not admitted to him that the pups were his? It is rare for Scald to be disgruntled by something, but lying or misleading information was one thing that happened to be on that list. He moves slowly, head lowering, heterochromatic eyes firm on the den ahead of him, he prepares himself for what he's about to witness. There he sees Absinth standing over two wolves, Elysia and the male he doesn't know. Said male is also wrapped around her and licking at her fur in such a way that makes his fur and quills bristle.

"Help if she needs it. I'll be outside," the growl in his voice is rusty, uncommon for the man who is calm and laid back. But he doesn't waste another moment looking at a scene he can't deny rightly pisses him off. Turning on his heels, he stalks back out into the snow to wait for the arrival of his puppies.

Scald & Elysia
table coding by bunni ♥