
As adults we will grow and maturity shows


12-12-2013, 03:47 AM

Ooc: Quick note, I know the rules of Ala are that wolves are free to be force claimed in battle field, but UBI is new and does not know that xD. So he may or may not fight if someone tries to claim him. Fun fun, xD

He shifted on the dirt under him as he noticed the weather changing in the sky. There were gray clouds scattered about, hiding the sun from view, so the male's chin was arched towards the sky standing on all fours curious as to where he was after washing up on these lands. Already he felt his right shoulder, oddly stinging, at least to what he thought was a stinging pain. Blood was trailing down from the cut on the white fur, making a small line across the gray hues of the rest of his body. It wasn't a very large wound, nearly two inches in length, but only deep enough to be bleeding. Perhaps if he could feel then he would have payed more attention to it, but he could not. His orange-yellow tinted eyes moved in their sockets to take in the crisp surroundings, disconnected from all of them as it was the male was still wondering about these lands that he had landed in after dying from his sisters jaws. His body shivered slightly, turning to his right as he let a low rumble escape his throat.
His vocals were thin, high pitched, if not guttural. There was no sense of emotion or feeling coming from within the eyes of his. Simply nothing, as he dug his nails into the soil, the scents of blood and other things were also here. It seemed to be close to death, which made the undead man happy. So as his brain had made him think, his lack of feeling causing this as well. Hackles sitting safely on his back as he pulled back his gums to try and taste the sensation of life, in which he had none. Tail flicking back and forth, as he lowered his head, raising a paw to the right side of his chest. There was no heart, just an empty cavity, which brought him to the illusions of which he was dead. Others who looked at him would see that he was all that delusional. His sister had stolen his heart, yet aside from the cut on his right shoulder he was untouched.
Seeing as suddenly rain began to fall to the frozen earth of winter tones, his head tilted to a side. Could he no longer feel the rain as well, all sensation was gone. It had been for nearly a season now, and he was merely getting used to being dead in a living world. Indifferent to the world, to the living all around him. This strange place known as Alacritis had been brought to him by fate. As he only had the desire to possibly curiously find others like him. Rare enough as his race was, if he had risen from the dead, perhaps he was a god. No, he hardly believed that to be enough, but he was royalty because of his coat was he not? He shook his head, lowering it as he sat down on his rump. Closing his eyes only his senses of smell and hearing came to him, waiting for perhaps the rain to give out. Seeing as it was soaking him already, or perhaps another would come to collect his dead soul.
