
I'm Not A Vampire



6 Years
Dragon Mod
12-12-2013, 06:13 AM (This post was last modified: 12-22-2013, 04:46 AM by Sin.)
OOC: I want this thread to eventually hit rated M. Sin is looking for a sexual release, anyone who replies will be subject to it be it willingly or not.

He would come to set foot within the forest of red wood. Sharp clawed paws leaving indents in the snow that were unnatural for a wolf; instead looking more like a cross between a wolf and cat. His claws were peculiar, he sharpened them daily to perfection. Just like he learned from the mountain cats from whence he came. It was fascinating, the things he had learned on his way here. Extracting the knowledge from those who knew before swiftly taking their souls so that nobody else could learn it. He was always careful to ensure that he drew every bit of information from their minds.

It was a pity, however, when Sin came within distance of a child. He did not admire the way they were so innocent, so happy, so soft and bereft of knowledge about the ways of darker forces. He always strove to keep well away, for coming across a young one always spelled disaster for it when Sin was around. Pups always seemed to press a special button within the confines of his mind. He couldn't stand them. They were annoying blood sucking leeches. Not worthy of his time or attention. When one ever approached, he would ignore it as if it was never there. In the off chance that it would continue to follow and pester, Sin could not always contain himself. Faster then the blink of an eye the child would run crying to it's mother...blood trailing after it. Unless death claimed it first.

Such were the memories. And as his travels became lessened after finding what he sought in these lands, he was sure he would have to be more careful lest bounty hunters came for his head. But oh, how he craved blood right now...blood, or the undying thirst that had not been quenched within the pits of his abdomen for so long. His body demanded it, craved it. He needed a release, and he needed it soon.

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