
Strength in Numbers



The Hallows

Expert Fighter (160)

Advanced Navigator (60)

4 Years
Dire wolf

By the skin of my teethPride - Bisexual
06-22-2024, 11:43 PM
The days and time he spent with Dusk had only gotten more consistent and common ever since his conversation with Artorias. He thought about the warnings that the Lord of Cinder gave him often, almost as if he was trying to keep himself from getting too swept up in the love sickness of it all and letting himself be blinded to the reality of things, but none of it slowed his visits or his attempts to spend even more time with her. He found reasons to do little daily things like patrols with her and planned outings and dates as often as she would allow.

That brought them out to the near by falls just as the sun was setting and everything around them was cast in a warm sunset glow. By the time they reached the highest peak at the top of the falls he could find the sky was starting to darken and the stars were starting to peek through. It was still very warm even at night here in Auster, but at least with the sun gone it wasn't quite as hot as it was during the day. He sighed contently as he settled on his haunches near the edge of the water, glancing over at Dusk with a little grin. He had started to say something to her while fiddling with the buckle on his chest to remove the harness holding his dagger when a sound of something shifting in the foliage behind them caught his attention.

His ear flicked toward the noise and quickly his head followed suit to look and just visually confirm that nothing was there. However, instead of it being the wind or perhaps a small prey animal of some kind he spotted a wolf peeking through the branches at them. With a frown he got up and turned toward the intruder, eyes narrowing. "What do you want?" he questioned sternly, hoping that would be enough to get their audience to take a hint and get lost. Instead, a large male coated with shades of gray and brown stepped out of the brush with a low growl, his right shoulder, leg, and the side of his neck riddled with scars. Two more wolves followed closely behind him, clearly there to be his backup. Sitri heard him mutter something about coming for the girl and revenge, but he wasn't going to let the brute finish. He grabbed his dagger from the sheath at his side and quickly charged forward with a snarl of his own, slicing across the brute's left shoulder with a swing of his head.

"Dusk & Sitri"