
Come get some

Open large predator fight with Reaper



Expert Fighter (135)

Beginner Intellectual (0)

2 Years
06-23-2024, 06:54 AM
Reaper was enjoying this time near the falls, his head lowered as he drank up water. Moloch soared above him in the sky, circling and watching ever vigilant for danger. Moments of peace ticked on by and Reaper raised his head from the stream to look around. So far, there was no one else here. A sudd ekt crack of a branch made his ears and eventually his head swivel to catch the location of the noise. Much to his surprise, he saw a large bear making it's way towards the stream. He was surprised, because he thought bears were hibernating by now. This bear was different. It was far skinner than most bears should be at this stage of the year. And it looked hungry. It looked... desperate.

Moch let out a little late warning call, swooping down to land on Reaper's shoulders. Reaper let out a warning bark to the bear, for it to keep its distance. But it only kept getting closer, it's stance becoming more defensive as it let out a snarl. Reaper returned the snarl and with that, the bear led a charge forwards. Reaper lunged forwards to meet it, head on, his white maws splayed open as he sought to grab the bear's front leg in his maw. Moloch flapped it's wings and took off towards the bear's face, getting all to close to it and flapping his wings to distract it while Reaper attacked.
Reaper has a black raven named Moloch who is with him 24/7. Reaper will send this bird to stalk and report on his love one's well beings.

Reaper also ALWAYS smells of dead, rotten, corpses. He rolls in them daily to preserve his signature scent.

Reaper's voice claim is Stolas from Helluva Boss.

Mae Torres may enter any of Reaper's threads at any given time.

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1. Come get some Cedar Falls 06:54 AM, 06-23-2024 10:19 AM, 08-09-2024