
we don't need to fight fair

ash - hunting seasonal



Master Hunter (280)

Expert Healer (145)

1 Year
Dire wolf
06-23-2024, 07:23 PM
Jiro may be a tad lost. Just a little bit, not a lot. He would swear he knew where he was. Promise! Eh, maybe not so much. Not that it was his fault. That new pack that he hadn't realized had taken up post in Wraith's Woods had gotten him all turned around. He had been on his way to go see if Imogen wanted to spend the afternoon with him, but his detour around this new pack's scent and territory had led him the wrong way. The intent had been to go west, but east. Ugh, why hadn't he paid attention during those navigation lessons? He could have at least paid attention to the basics! Dumb boy.

Oh well, at least he could keep going around the woods and eventually start heading west toward the falls where Imogen mentioned candy grew. Which was cool and crazy, but he'd have to get there first. Dang, he was thirsty. Mm, did his ears hear running water? Enticed by the thought of quenching his thirst, the monochrome boy changes direction once more and follows the sound of drumming water until he sees the water cascading over the sloping ground. He wastes no time to rush over and fill his belly with water, but once he's done, he finds that it's not enough. There's a grumble now that indicates he's also hungry. Should've eaten before I left. Jiro chastised himself, plunking his butt down away from the water's edge, practically within a bush.

There was sign of woodland birds in the area so maybe if he waited long enough, one would appear. Light colored gaze watched his surroundings as he waited patiently and silently in his little hiding spot. Every so often, he would hear the flutter of wings, but had not yet sighted them. Hm, were they perhaps not here by the falls, but somewhere else close by?

word count: 316/1500

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1. we don't need to fight fair Cedar Falls 07:23 PM, 06-23-2024 09:35 PM, 07-03-2024